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Well! I had a lot of positive responses to today's earlier post. Thank you! 😁

I get the impression that some of you might have thought I was disappointed in the image - and I'm not. 😋 The one that I posted was the one rendering that I did before I had to close down the software to work on other stuff - it was the *later* images - the rest of this series - that was problematic. 🤔

So, I thought it would be fun to show you *exactly* what I was talking about:

This is a test render of the same scene. I let this render run for only about 10-15 min, when the actual final image took two hours. You'll notice all the black stuff underneath the car, like a garbage bag exploded or something. That is the rear tire being deformed and all of it's surfaces exploding outwards in the wrong direction. You can also see things like the bolts on the rear wheel that are just floating there by Drakon's finger. The roof collapsed properly around the pinky and ring finger, but squashed around the top of the middle and index fingers and climbed up the side of his thumb. 🤨 No!

I adjusted the position of the car and the position of the fingers until I got all of those artifacts as much under control as possible and then I went through and hid all the rest of the errant surfaces - it took *hours*! 🥵 The rest of the renders were run overnight and I got three of them done before I realized that all of those cursed surfaces that I had so carefully hidden were visible again! 🤬 Tire treads floating in the air, long spikes poking out a random, the padded interior of doors blowing up like balloons and sticking through door frames - what a nightmare! 🤯

Well, I tried one last thing - deleted them instead of hiding them, so they would not reappear again if I had to shut down the program. Yeah, no. 🙄 Deleting those parts changed the structure of the vehicle and caused even more problems. I have officially given up on trying to redo it. 😤 Instead, I will put together as many images as I can salvage from test renders and such - and I'll send them up sometime tomorrow.

Thanks for your support and for your patience! 🥰



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