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Great series of images! I love the look of Zach but I always want to understand better. Was Connor being a jerk (it looks like he's saying something derogatory in the first panel and Zach had to teach him to respect his betters OR is Zach just being a bully and picking on Connor because of his gorgeous house and nice car? Of course, leaving it up to our imaginations is fine but I'm still interested in the story you wanted to tell.


Actually, a little bit of both! I do not have a specific relationship between Zach and Connor in mind. Older and younger brother? Older step-brother? Step-dad? Older brother of a friend of Zach's? Connor is Zach's coach? Not sure. What I *did* have in mind was that Zach has been a scrawny kid all his life that got picked on or disregarded by others and that he has recently discovered or obtained superhuman strength. So he's acting cocky and arrogant. Maybe he was supposed to be washing the car. Maybe it's just because he's lounging naked against it and Connor just doesn't want it touched. Maybe it's because Zach has his foot on the car. Whatever the case, Connor yells at him and Zach decides to stand up to someone for the first time in his life. This series is not new - although I am re-posting it with less intrusive branding. The original title was "Zach gets yelled at" which changed to "Never yell at me again!" for the throat-lift panel. Glad you like it!