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First of all, thank you so much!

It's hard to believe, but it's almost been a month since I began. When I set up the 'Elite Superhuman God' tier - I hadn't really given it a lot of thought. I researched what other creators were doing, and I liked the idea of giving people a chance to donate just a little more if they wished to - but not a LOT more - that would make me feel uncomfortable.

What I never anticipated is that there are more patrons in *this* tier than in any other! I didn't expect that - and my heart is full. Thank you!

So, it's been a bit quiet up in the rarefied air up here. The only thing I have listed as a benefit to the top tier is 'fan requests'. Several of you have responded - and I am working on some of those ideas. I would like to give you more for being so supportive, but I'm not sure what would be most appreciated?

I'm asking you for ideas! If you have any - please leave them in the comments below and we can all discuss them - or send me a message and we can talk about it privately.

Thanks again for being my top-tier patrons! It feels incredible to have such amazing support from you!



Yes exactly. A superhero that does not know his own super strength. Ends up causing much more destruction than he meant to.

J. Oliver Scott

You're welcome to use my OC character Ethan if you want although he's not the clumsy type of superhero although that's a humorous idea!


I need to reread those stories. I have it in my mind that Ethan looks like an untattooed, less hairy version of Alex - but I don't really remember!