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To my dearest Patron,

             Kind of crazy how the time has flew by so fast and we are already in August! Half way through the year of 2023 just like that, Its funny how fast time flies as you grow older or find ways of keeping yourself busy. I hope you had a wonderful July, I'm sorry I was not around the Temple or Observatory. But I want to let you know I had a wonderful vacation and had much time to think about many things that have been weighting on my mind. Sometimes if we don't take a little break we ourselves can break, so please make sure to take time to yourself and even just a week or couple of days for a small vacation is good for you sweetie.

            August brings about usually continuation the dog days of summer with therising of the star dog star, Sirius. Summer is at an end soon but the memories we make always shine brilliantly and there is so much more I want to make with you all this summer. Lets enjoy August together to our fullest shall we, darling?

            One last reminder as we reach half way through the year, do not stress yourself too much about completing goals or expectations you set yourself in January. Take it one step at a time and don't overwhelm yourself, you are doing fine sweetie. Remember that happiness is not found by wanting more, happiness is finding joy in the very small things in life that give you that warm feeling, the things you have now that are precious and important to you.

             Remember that you are part of my happiness, I'm proud of you and I appreciate you so much. Thank you for staying by my side and for supporting this silly little cow. I love you and have a wonderful month, lets make many more new memories together! β™‘

Always watching over you,

                                                                                      Milky β™‘



Yes Dear Mom, and welcome home, you were greatly missed.


I appreciate the reminder mother , fearing that the year is almost over and feeling like I didn't complete or do much this year is a downplay in my life