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Hello patrons!! Thank you for taking this time to read this and thank you as well for always being so kind to support me. I would not be able to even be here without all of your support and kindness. I do apologize as you have noticed, there has been a lack of new content recently. I do apologize and if any refunds are desired please contact me ASAP, I will issue them to you.

I apologize for the long writing !
☆ Address The Lack Of New ASMR content & Voice messages ☆

There are things I would like to talk with you all and be as transparent as possible. Lately having adopted a puppy into my life has made things very complicated. Archie my puppy sleeps in my room with me, which is also my recording room because I work from my room. During the night time is the time, I like to do ASMR and record. ( Because of silence and lack of trains/cars passing so I can achieve THE BEST AUDIO QUALITY. ) But because Archie is sleeping and I worry about having him wake up and be about, I haven't been able to record lately. I have been wanting to train him to sleep in a separate room but his separation anxiety is something I don't know how to address or handle. ( If you have advice on this ; I would really appreciate it. He's only 4-5 months old right now. )

I have been stressed over this issue because I want to return to making my ASMR content and being able to record. So I have weighted options and for this reason, I have JUST recently invested into a special audio booth. Unfortunately, not the most professional type I don't have room for them since I don't own the place I'm staying at. It's a smaller more portable audio booth that I hope will make a big difference in my audio quality so that I can record even during the DAY time, allowing me to make more voice content. I plan to have future scripts to sometimes be written by me but I may also commission others to write them for me too!

Once I receive this audio booth please look forward to more ASMR content from me when it comes with ASMR Roleplays and voice messages! I also really want to make more YOUTUBE ASMR content on my main youtube channel! 

The good news is that the changes I plan to do to my Patreon for ASMR will be $10 ASMR Related Tier so as long as you are in this tier you will get Asmr content made specially for my patreons and early access to any Youtube ASMR content before it's posted as well as the Audio MP3 File itself ( That will only be posted on Patreon in this tier. )

☆ VENUS TIER - Addressing the NSFW Tier and the Future of it ☆

First of all the future of this tier will become the new $25 tier in the new changes on my patreon. This tier in the future will not contain NSFW versions of future ASMR Roleplay recordings but will contain NSFW asmr recordings of Milky (Myself in character) as well as NSFW art commissions and soon to be NSFW Model animations & photoshoots! So I'm very excited about the future!!

Something I been wanting to talk about that made nsfw recording hard for me to do in my current living situation ; 

Living with my family, recording NSFW and really getting into it has become very hard to not be found out. Like before I mentioned, I record during the night to achieve the best sound quality without daily noise like cars passing by. But because of this sometimes people wake up during the night and I could be moaning like a mad woman.. And well, things get complicated the next day for me. Because of this, I had been taking a break from NSFW asmr recordings..

I do plan to move out by myself in 2024 or 2025, but getting to that place in my life is what I'm working on right now. With the new portable audio booth I am hoping I will be able to record during the DAYTIME ; when my step father is not home as to not complicate my living situation because my mom simply does not want HIM to hear my degeneracy, she doesn't mind hearing it on the other hand. ( lol, understandable. ) 

Some people have been asking me if I will ever do Fansly or Chattuerbate content. I don't really plan to do that right now.. But I have plans of maybe future monthly streams on Patreon where I can play some 18+ games with you guys! But this is still an idea in concept; I would first really want to know if you'd be interested in this type of content for the Venus Tier?

Thank you

Thank you for reading all of this, I just wanted to address many things and be as transparent as possible. I do apologize for the lack of content lately and if you were to want to not support me at the moment and maybe in the future, I will understand 100% I do not hold any hard feelings. Thank you so much for considering to support a silly little cow like me, because of your kindness I'm able to live and survive in this big world that is really scary to me sometimes. Thank you for everything ,truly..

To those of you who have supported me regardless, I don't know what I do to deserve such amazing people.. I thank you deeply and dearly for always being so kind and understanding of my living situation and myself in general. I appreciate you all so much, those of you who are supporting me now and even those who have in the past. Thank you so much for allowing me to pursue my dreams of content creation and be able to contiune to do this as an indie, I cannot explain to you how much this means to me and how hard it is to achieve this. Because of you I am able to make it day to day, month to month. I just want to be able to make you very proud and I will work hard on making more content soon!

Please understand though that I also work very hard and do my best to stream and bring in new content streaming wise. You supporting me here on patreon is more then just receiving content but you also really support me on being able to contiune to be a content creator and be able to spend many more months and years together with you all! ♥ Thank you so much ;///v///; ♥

- Your one and only Minitaur, Milky



Game streams would be nice cowpog


<⁠(⁠ ̄⁠︶⁠ ̄⁠)⁠>


Looking forward for more asmr streams!

Mike Strider

Wow what a situation! Well regardless what happens, happy to just be here and experience what you’re capable of.


Your dog having separation anxiety is very relatable for me since my dog usually wants to be at my side 24/7. Some quick things I’d like to say is that some of the better tips I’ve learned comes to separation anxiety is well, don’t punish or discipline them for not wanting to be with you, giving them a space that isn’t full of too many distractions or maybe if possible finding a space or area that he relaxes in better, or by making sure he has a favorite toy or bone with him/her? Those are things that helped me lots, umm. I also remember reading that for more serious cases, letting your dog know you’re leaving can be a big help too, be it as long as it’s not a pampering goodbye. I’m sorry if this message is long umm, I hope your situation with your family and dog works out, I hope I can catch some of the wholesome content soon👉👈


When it comes to Archie's separation issues, you kinda have to just force it little by little. Right before bed, isolate him for 10 minutes every day for a week, then 20 minutes a day the next week, and so on until he gets used to being alone at bed time. And you can't be extra coddling after. You have to just go to bed like it's normal. The whole point is to teach him not to be attached at the hip. It's like crate training, or any kind of training with an animal. You have to be firm, but not harsh.


So, will there be no 35$ tier? What if I WANT to give you that a month regardless of content associated with it? I am interested in the NSFW games I admit, about the only NSFW content from you I am interested in Dear Mom. I will try to step up my script writing for you. You can com them and write them yourself, but I shall continue to write them for you as best I can Dear Mom. I will always try my best to support you as best as I can in whatever ways I can, count on it.


Will always support no matter what. Playing nsfw games sounds like a fun idea and some some could be really fun to watch. Also, will there still be tiers past $25 to support you?


I like the ASMR and all but I'm not sweating it either, I know you do the best you can making content. I do hope you keep a $50.00 tier so I can stay at the level of support I'm already at. I don't really care if it comes with perks. I just like knowing I'm doing my part to contribute. Don't put too much stress on yourself over this stuff. We love you and you're doing great.


Give us pictures of the puppy and everything is forgiven. (Only if you're comfortable with it ofc, not trying to dox you.)