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Hello sweeties~ I have some things I wanted to talk about.

Unfortunately for this month, I did not prepare an ASMR for the tiers $25 & 35 or voice messages for tier $50

( I will refund you 100% if you'd like. Please simply message me and don't feel guilty to ask for a refund. ♥ Those in the $50 Tier will all be refunded right away. )

I apologize for not being able to provide the content you paid for, especially for these few past months. The truth is I've reached a content burn out from the amount of work of Patreon, streaming full time, IRL, family and my own physical/mental health.

My goal for this new year is to try to lessen the amount I have on my shoulders to be able to provide better content, without stressing myself and overworking myself. I also want to make things much more affordable for you guys too because I love you!!

So because of this choice there will be some changes in the Patreon in the month of March. I will be announcing these changes in February! Please keep an eye out for this~

♥ ♥ ♥

Again everyone, thank you for supporting me and understanding my situation. I wouldn't be able to do what I love to do without you all. You support me so much that I can live and contiune to stream and make content that I always hope makes you happy. It means the world to me to be able to contiune to do this and I really have you guys to thank.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart! I love you all so much!! ♥ I again apologize for this month, December & November for the lack of content promised. I'm going to work harder to be able to make you all happy. As much as you make me happy, so please be patient with me. Thank you endlessly. ♥



I never will ask for a refund for your content milky. If I didn't have some form of support or enjoyment from you then I wouldn't be subbed. Don't feel like everyone needs a legitimate reason for why things are what they are. We just wish the best for you and give you supportas needed. (( I am speaking for myself as I am a small contributing member compared to 50 dollar tiers. ))


The most important thing has and always will be your own comfort and wellness - Take as much time as you need to recover, and don't feel like you have to apologize for needing to lessen your workload, because we just want you to be happy and be as stress free as possible. I hope you can feel better soon, and we'll all be there to support you as needed.


Dont worry mama, rest when you need to I still shall pay my tribute o7 *tummy pat*


No worries Milky, you don't have to apologize, we understand you been very busy and we worry about you. The most important thing is to take care of yourself more this year and not burn out yourself. Prioritize your health first Milky. Much love


No matter the changes you make to your Patreon, you will always have my support and everyone else’s support in the end of the day. It’s completely understandable and you don’t have to apologize. With streaming, family, your dog and your physical/mental health it’s a lot to manage. All we want for you is to be happy and we want you to take care of yourself. We’ll be your support every step of the way Milky!


Guess I am leaving a tip for you then. In all seriousness please do take good care of yourself.


I am glad you are not overworking yourself Dear Mom. Burn out happens, it is yet another risk of over working, and some times it just happens. It is okay Dear Mom, really. You will always have my support no matter what. <3


It's been a really busy month for you, don't worry


I know I'm kinda new here but you are a wonderful content creator and always manage to put a smile on my face. It's really helped me out through a bad time and I'm super grateful for all you do. I absolutely do not want a refund. I'm just happy to be able to provide the support.


I joined the Patreon mostly to show my support. You can try to refund me here, but I'll just throw the same support at you in the form of bits & subs. You can't escape us when we want to support you!! And it's better to cut out on content instead of piling more work than you can realistically do. It's easy to forget everything that you have to do. Or to forget that you don't work 24/7. Notice that there is a difference between working as hard as you can, and working as hard as you realistically can without burning yourself. Huge difference between the two. If you put more workload than you can realistically handle. you can work all day and then be faced with all of the things that you didn't finish. You'll have the exhaustion of working, and the guilt of not getting things done. This is a result of unrealistic workload, not laziness. And if there is something that you need to do and you don't know how to start, then please ask. We won't make (that much) fun at you. We're all here knowing full well about the cowbrain. So there isn't any shame in asking for help with something if you don't know.


No worries Miilky I'm still going to support you at the same level even if I have to send it through donation, You're a beautiful soul who does wonderful work, here and on twitch, So don't be too hard on yourself and rest when you need it Love you