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Hey everyone!! I'm gunna be posting this month's ASMR & Venus today or tomorrow! Please look forward to it~! As well as the other rewards such as encouraging voice messages!!

About The Venus Asmr!! - There won't be any changes right now! I will still do my best to write my own NSFW scripts! I hope you will enjoy them!! I will do my best to sometimes also record some already written scripts that aren't in relation to the Theme of the month! So if you are in Venus Worshiper tier or higher you will be surprised with some goodies every now and then~ ♥

I also would like to receive any kind of criticism or compliments! I want to learn and make sure to make things better! So feel free to be honest and direct me down the right road for improving myself!

Or if you'd like for me to write up or record a certain theme, for example 'F-Dom BDSM For The Listener' etc. Feel free to let me know in the comments! I always read each and every one so I would love to know !! 



Yeah, that sounds good. Pre-made or original, doesn't really matter to me. It'll take a little bit of a load off of you from having to come up with your own every time, which is good.


I think it's fine either way. I have no complaints about your own writing, but if you're not confident/comfortable with it, or if it takes too much time, using something pre-made is fine. Perhaps you could alternate between ones you write yourself and ones externally sourced? I wonder, is it possible to commission that type of thing? If you had something specific in mind, you could do that maybe?


If using a script helps you to better manage your time then I have no issue. And of course i(we) enjoy your writing and are keen to see your skills grow but if you want more time to focus then by all means set your priorities and stick to em, we all have to do it. Of course if all of this can’t help you pick what to do then you can always just make us vote.


Personally I think your script writings are great. That being said, the less pressure the better. If you find yourself struggling to write scripts yourself, nothing wrong with using one already written. Your voice is so comfy and nice that I'm happy with anything. Its just a bonus that you write them yourself and they turn out amazing as always