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Hello everyone! Thank you for your support so much this month!

I'm sorry for being quiet late with these, lately someone in my household as contracted corona virus and has been living in the room next to mine so recording NSFW content has been rendered kind of impossible without them hearing me moaning my brains out, which I WON'T have them do. KEKW

This kind of situation was unexpected, no one knew they would get covid.. So I may be late delivering the NSFW content until they feel better and move back to their other room on the other side of the house.

I am so sorry!! In exchange I will post another NSFW Artwork commission for this month! And will be commissioning some more NSFW artwork! ♥

As for July ASMR ; There may be a combination of two different ones~ So please look forward to them! I will be posting them tomorrow! ♥




It's all good. We understand. Take care of yourself, and I hope you aren't coming down with covid yourself.


Aniki one headpat


Take your time, stay safe and we understand that stuff like this happens.


Totally understandable. Try not to feel pressured about it, and you do whatever you are comfortable with. 😉


I hope not either!! I'm doing my best to stay in my room!!! I'm a contained cow now.


I don't mind waiting. Working in the hotel industry I constantly have to watch out for sick people. Try not to contract it and be safe. Lol. If I was your roommate, I wouldn't mind you doing NSFW audio. 😂


Is okay Miilky we can wait, that was a unexpected situation. Be careful, protect yourself and just in case go take a covid test, to be sure. Okay?! Take care *Headpats*


Get tested, take care, and do try to get more rest dear mom. Do let me know if you want a spell for whatever reason. I am always happily at your service.


No worries Miilky happy to love and support you always, stay safe and hopefully you don’t get sick too -hug-❤️