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Hey guys! I wanted to commission new artwork but also wanted to try many different things. I just wanted to ask you guys if there is something besides maybe SCAT or Waterplay you may not be really into or would like to see? 

Also, One of my new commissions the artist decided to add a younger shounen boy.. W-Would that be okay to post? I wouldn't want to upset you guys!!! I didn't ask for specifically that but it kind of just translated to that for the artist. But the artwork is GOOD!!

I just worry... Aaaaaa!! W-What are your thoughts everyone? The council of MILF, I request your insight! 



Those of you who can't think about anything so gross that you would hate to see in a NSFW post... I am jelous of your lack of imagination. Body horror, vore, gore... That's the easy gross stuff to come up with... Remember than time in the internet when it was "funny" to "troll" people by tricking them into seeing pictures of goatse? Also insects! I don't know how someone can add spiders and cockroaches into a NSFW artwork, and I'll be a happy man if I never find out. It might count as "body horror" but anything out of a Nurgle army codex book would probablynot be appreciated by most. I could go on. But I won't. But I could. That being said, it's really good that you want to try new things. Variety is important. I trust your judgement about what is okay. As long as you don't try on purpose to gross us out, the worst case scenario is that there will be one picture once in a while that isn't to my liking. We are big boys. We can handle a little gross shock images every once in a while. Shota is practically vanilla when paired with a MILF these days. No reason to get all angry about it. It's mostly bad because of people who can't tell the difference between a drawing and a real kid. But I don't think that they are your patrons. So you are safe in here.


I am open to most things.....but most definitely not scat or waterplay. That's just me.


Ugly bastards! I almost forgot ugly bastards! I get enough of that tag every day in the mirror.


I’m okay with any nsfw you are okay with Miilky, just not the usual stuff like scat, or gore or things like that. Any and all nsfw you have and wanna post I am 100% here for it❤️


So yeah It was stupid of me not doing some research about the scat stuff and I know it my fault for not doing so. I'm not interested in that and the waterplay don't know. (Never thought there were some that kind of asmr stuff)so sorry miilky. About the shota, I'm okay it.


Let the lewds flow miilky im sure if your posting what your into or want to try most of us on here would be down to see.


Yeah, just do whatever you want. If you think it's a little bit more questionable, just give a warning beforehand if you can


Please nothing with even a hint of non-consent. Wouldn't think it's your style anyway. For "shota" I would say anything teenage is fine. Nothing violent personally (rough sex is fine but like nothing that would seriously hurt). If people want BDSM that's fine I guess.


It's cool Checa. I imagined this was the case. And think about it this way: We got added value of entertainment by imagining you research and discover what scat is. It's like early 2000's internet all over again


Me personally, i would love most anything. But maybe steer away from some of the hardcore fetishes. Some people may get tripped out by them or get offended. Never know with people nowadays. But i wholeheartedly am in on anything you want to post/share. Moooooonyaaa


Yeah I'm agreeing with the general consensus. You do whatever you want but nothing too extreme would be appreciated. Most of it has already been said, no rape, nothing to do with animals of any kind, rough is ok but no gore. Scat, waterplay, and vore are all a hard no. And shota is fine in moderation. Beyond that I'm good with anything you'd like. Although, while this may be a standard practice these days......... maybe maid outfit one day?


I'm all for the shota stuff!