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I have a chance to apply to an application process of getting a better high quality 3D MODEL. It will cost me around 2.5k but it could be used for stream and for VrChat. 

The only issue is, I have a re-design planning in the process with a new design. But there's a chance if I use my new-design I may not be able to even 'make' it through all other applications. Because they want a Back and Front ; Which I don't have for my new design.

I can try my best to draw one in time. But if I use my current design, that's 2.5k spent where I could of spent it on my re-design.. And I'd feel like everything I'm doing to prepare for my re-debut would be kinda put to waste.

So what should I do? What do you guys think? Try the application with my current design or try with my newer design? 

Should I still try though? What should I invest into for a high quality 3D Model; Which model would you rather like to see?



I say save and go for the new design because if you get the older one done now you’re gunna want to get your newer model done in the future as well and that’ll cost you quite a bit. That’s just my opinions but you should do what makes you the happiest Mommy ❤️


I'm kind of of the same mindset as Zachy. Seems like it would be wiser to save and wait for further down the line, ya know?


I think you should go with your gut feeling on this it usually is the right decision I hope with what ever choice you choose that you are happy and satisfied with it and know that I will support you regardless love you mom ❤❤❤


Be patient and go with your redesign module dear mother. Good things come to those who wait and your chance will line up. Do not rush this. ( realized I may not be clear) I mean my specific advice is to pass on this in favor of being more prepared later with your new module.


Definitely wait and save for a 3D model of the new design


I can't wait to see 3D mommy! And 3D booba


in really cant wait ur newer design mama milky but take ur time aslong u need it