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First of all, Thank you to everyone for the support I really do appreciate it so much. I do have to apologize to people who join and maybe expect professionalism but I'm still new to this so I do apologize. 

There was a mistake on the Founder Tier for good morning and night calls, It promised Asmr if selected. That was a mistake I made I forgot to re-edit. I thought before Discord supported ASMR Mics like 3dios. And it does not at all so I am unable to provide ASMR calls. I apologize very much so about this mistake everyone. 

I will do my best to offer more content to everyone! Please let me know maybe what kind of content you'd like to see in the future from me? Thank you for all your support I really do appreciate it. I also appreciate everyone is kind and patient with me in this learning process.

Thank you so much. ♥



Tbh, you don't have to do anything for me besides the call. I just love speaking to my Mommy.


I don't expect anything from you. All i want is to support you. You don't have to do anything extra. Atleast in my case


If you were able to make recorded messages for everyone with your asmr microphone that would mean the world I'm sure. :) Being able to listen to a file even if it's not live is still perfect.


I never did expect it to be ''professional'' you are new to do this, and so am I but you really don't have to feel bad about all of this Miilky. I choose to support you cuz I care and appreciate you, and only for those reasons <3 Love you sweetheart <3 -hugs-


Like I've said before... I'm here to support you. I want nothing in return, Sweetie. You're completely new to All of this... Mistakes happen.


I think you make good content and that's worth supporting. (I'd consider founder if I could but ofc i know its limited) so im just happy enjoying what you do. Least thats my view :)