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I apologize everyone for this but due to handling streaming, patreon, IRL and myself as well I've decided to remove the monthly Chibi raffles. Because sometimes finding time to do artwork is really hard, I have to be in the mood. It doesn't mean I won't be making any artwork in the future, I will for sure still be doing artwork~ 

I am replacing this with Story Time on discord with mom, where I read everyone a couple of stories on discord. I will make sure to let everyone know about the times for them via Cafe News on discord!

Thank you for understanding and supporting me. I love you guys so much. ♥



No worries Mommy. I lowkey feel like that would be the most strenuous out of all the rewards, I'm sort of glad it's being retired.


Thank the freaking Gods! You are starting to take some things off your plate! This makes me so happy! You always do so much for us. Too much! Thank you!


Aww I feel like I never do enough honestly, but this was something a little hard for me to do.. I'm glad to be able to do something a little less exhausting. Art is a pain peko.


It was a lot.. I feel bad, I am still working on the past month ones. Artwork is hard for me because I am very very critical of my artwork so sometimes I can get sad and loose the mood to draw. I think you guys can tell, I probably say ' My art is bad ' so much times on stream whenever someone tells me it's good.. I feel so embarrassed sometimes. I need to learn to accept compliments aaaaa.


Mommy your art is anything but bad. I still look at the doodle you drew for me.


Rather you removing the chibi art than you get really stressed about it.