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I know I hired modelers and riggers to help put them together, but my models require a lot of customization and tweaks as I go.

I've been putting a lot of time into finishing up Miyaoka's model (she was made for printing but not for animation. I got her re-rigged by Flapcats, and I need to re-texture her+give her a pizza box with proper package design lol) and am hiring 2 people to help make her clothes and Sedona's outfit, which I also need to re-texture the Llydian model for. I made these bluprints to help translate my style into 3d, hoping it goes over well. I feel like she needs her shirt to really show off her personality, so that will be fun to have in all her renders.

Last thing i'd need is Sedona's jacket and possibly finger gloves, but I'll do those after I complete these.

When all is said and done I should have 4 models to work with! Should be fun seeing them all together in 3d. Could not have done it all without you guys. Will have to recreate some of my favorite poses form the comic.




dont let me have them, someone is gonna end up with titties or balls so big they cant move lol