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Hey all, I haven't done a monthly update in a while but I think it's a good time for one. Welcome everyone who's new here! I'm very honored by all the support you guys give to support my passion.   

This month I'm going to finish last months page first, and the work on the next page. I've been over-doing it with animated pages (almost twice the workload) so it's making it hard to consistently pump out a page and a finished animation. I think it's alright to combine the two if the page does become way too complex. Last month was a short month, and I pushed myself a bit too hard and the stress kinda wrecked my sleep  

As for 3d stuff, I am working with a friend to have the model I made earlier into a cool 3d print, but for now that's probably where it will end. As much as I want to make it into a posable rig or vr chat models it has soooo many steps most people only specialize in one or two, learning all of them is insane. (Modeling, Rigging, Animation, Lighting and Rendering) I could learn it,  but it'd be a slow side project.   

I have some fun sketch animations in mind for this month I can't wait to get to. As promised, there will be 1 that's Tier 1, (the main one) but any other shorter ones will be in the Magnum tier. (The tit-anic tier is Magnum but for ppl who want to support extra hard, thank you again those of you who are!)

Anyway, Feb was a bit of a rough month for work/ but things are looking up this month. Thank's again for bearing with me and I hope to create lots of fun stuff in the months to come. I've got some other media's/art styles I want to try too.


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