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Thinkin' bout the cop that pulls Llyidan over for reckless driving and coating her car in sticky white substance, yadda yadda yadda, she cuffs Llydian to her jeep, pushes her down, and then this happens.

Sometimes I get an idea that's really hot, and cant do anything else until I get a pose out of my head, so here it is. (I kinda want to draw Llydian's hands cuffed above her head to her car door)




This is a great animation.. holy crap


That is a very creative use of a very large dick. Can we get a cumshot edit? 🥺


hmmmmmmmmmmm yes. I'll allow it. lol when I get caught up with finishing the others, or I might put out a vote seeing what should be finished next. (I keep making wips, my bad lol)


This is amazing, super creative pose!

Wing Dancer

This is an amazing pose xD Love it <3