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EDIT: The comic will be released as planned. Thank you so much for being so appreciative and so understanding. As extra-thanks, I plan to drop a couple of images from my naughty vault on top of the sequence I have planned. These will come soon.

I've received a number of strongly worded messages regarding my next comic and the characters portrayed therein. Please understand that I do not live in the same places as some of you and, as a result of this, I was not fully abreast of political situations unfolding in your home countries. I picked those scenes because I was pleased with how beefy the beef-dude turned out.

I must also stress that the whole point of this endeavour really is to increase the amount of muscle growth media available on the internet. I am not seeking to champion the rights of certain parties over others and I am not here to present a treatise on philosophical rights and wrongs. 

That said, I must confirm the uniformed officer is the main character of the comic, he will grow huge, and no real violence takes place (same as my past comics). I confirm also that a lot of work has been completed for this comic. While I am disinclined to make major changes at this stage due to the delays it might cause, I would like to know what the majority feels.

Please note that I will make the final decision regarding this comic and this decision may differ from the opinions of the poll.

Are you comfortable with the content of this comic?


Johnny Gayzmonic

First off, I'll say that I'm sorry you got such negative comments. But, I also understand where they're coming from. I live in Minneapolis, within a mile of where things went down, so I've lived with a lot of chaos the last few months. That being said, I am also able to separate your art from the current reality. This is a fantasy after all. I know some artists have decided to no longer depict police in their work, but that's a decision each artist makes on their own.

Nex Canis

I'm sorry you got such backlash for something that is meant to be fantasy and geared towards something else entirely. Chin up, dude. Art is, by it's very definition, subjective and people will interpret it any way they want. I would say this would be a challenge for those people to take a look at themselves and question whether or not they are seeing evil where there is not or jumping at shadows.

Ki johnson

Honestly it’s fine with me. I don’t think it’s a bad thing .... atleast this is fantasy where the cop can’t just pull out a gun and kill em. I think this is fine and whomever don’t like it should just ignore this portion of work. You don’t have to like everything super waffle 🧇 does ....


I'm ok with it, but just to be safe with the people who do care maybe make a disclaimer before each post and remove any weapons the characters have so its just a uniform


It is rather unfortunate that you received the feedback you did.


These people complaining about there being a cop are not worth listening too. They are fringe lunatics and provable liars and should be ignored. As you can see the majority of us don't give a damn. Don't listen to the outage mob and whatever axe they have to grind this week. Also if people think its political, giving a cop massive muscles is hardly what I would consider an "anti-cop" stance.


For me, it's more a fact that we are swamped with politics constantly on all social media platforms. It'd be nice to get a breath from it. which is why I like patreon! I can choose the content (for the most part) I'd like to view. Perhaps its all unfortunate timing and coincidence but it does look like a statement piece. anyways rant done. I like your art and will continue supporting you <3 but just a note I do tend to un-follow anyone who gets too politically driven. ;) I can go on facebook for that stuff.


I can agree with the sensitivities of various locales. I can even agree that some images may be offensive to the given local events at this time. I am .... on this special fantasy site more interested in the tough big muscle boys in the images. BESIDES... I've taken all this as blade runner or matrix sort of outlays in another reality. Maybe have a disclaimer.

David J. Brick

I'm sorry you got negative comments. In America things are even more polarized after recent protests and riots. I understand why people don't like cops but that being said this is fantasy. I'm glad you have asked for a vote; that seems a very fair thing to do. I think in these times of strife fantasy is a welcome escape from reality. Do what you think is best but please don't stop making your incredible muscle fantasy art.


I'm able to separate the real world from Fantasy. But thanks for checking.