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Hello Patreon. Continuing to work on the animations. I'll draw the backgrounds soon and now I'm concentrating on NSFW animations so next time I'll show you the hot pixels. Overall, I've stabilized. Developed new drawing skills.

There are 2 locations planned in the animation. The first is the hallway before entering Rebecca's apartment. And the second is already the room rebecca. I could have just drawn the hex animations and not stressed so much, but I wanted to do a micro plot. 

Plot. Rebecca calls David and tells him that she needs him for an important "mission". David goes to Rebecca's house and she meets him just like in the anime. Scares him with a gun. After a short conversation Rebecca invites David in. Then the nsfw party begins)

Thank you so much for your support. Look forward to more news. I made many promises and didn't have time to make them, but I think next month the animation will be ready and I will be working on the sound



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