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Hi guys!
Thanks for continuing to support me.

I must inform you and apologize for the long absence of updates. Since the beginning of this month, I have very little time to create animations. Very soon, the next exams will begin at my university and I must do everything so that I have as few problems as possible. For this reason, it is now difficult for me to post new WIPs here often.

Now I have a lot of animations in development. I think you are most looking forward to new NSFW animations. I will try to show them before the end of this month. Also a big NSFW animation with Yorha2B is in development and I already have a lot of small WIPs but I'm not ready to show them to you yet.

Thanks again for your amazing support. And I'm sorry that it's hard for me to show you new content right now, but I'll try my best to do it as soon as possible.



Is it possible for the 2B animation to be the heavy armor version ?