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Hello Patreons! I love you guys! Thank you for continuing to support me.

I really liked the animation with Miku by the artist _CASTSTATION (link to this animation). It involves a lot of NSFW with Miku which we love so much. So I was inspired to draw my own pixel animated NSFW Miku.

It's hard to say what it will be yet. I'll probably just do it as separate scenes and post them individually so I don't have to spend time making a full large animation. Just don't want to disappear again for too long.

I really want to make a discord server where I can more safely post my art for you. On the server will be ONLY channels with my works, as it will be very difficult for me to actively communicate in discord in English.

Once again, thank you so much for your support, I am happy and grateful that I can paint at home every day thanks to you. I keep promising that I will paint faster and more often and I always end up failing, but I keep promising that I will try to be more active. Expect new animations THIS MONTH.

(Attention in the text may be mistakes because I don't know English well)
