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Hey all, so this dev log is just to let you know that we've already started working on the next update.

The MC and Zahra once planned to go on a date, should Shani come home safe, and it will finally happen. Igor will pay a visit to check up on his niece, and the Queen's quest will continue, with that guard you only saw twice leading us there, at least that is the plan so far.

I also want to say that regarding future updates in general, we usually try to include something for everyone, but it may not always turn out to be great to try and develop 5 sides of the game at once. 

We've read from you that because the individual scenes are sometimes short, you'd like more content you can "dig your claws into" with a string of events instead. That's why, during next update's development, I will prepare parts of the next mutant mission that is planned for 0.17 as to not put it out there in droplets, but give you a whole mission instead.

There may be over 850 new renders and a two minute cutscene in this update you played / are about to play soon, but some of you have reported that it doesn't always feel that way if the content is all over the place or lacking a bit of pace/climax. So just letting you know we hear you and are taking the input to heart.

Nonetheless, we hope you still enjoyed / will enjoy 0.15. See you next week. After that, I will take a couple weeks of (creative) break to recharge batteries. Like last year, I am already preparing some posts in the meantime :)



Jonathan Hang

I can't wait for that date! I'll always enjoy any content from you. Your game is easily one of my favorites!


I've caught myself thinking the same thing "hey this update was really short" and then I look at the stats and of course it wasn't. Focusing on one or two things per update but making them meatier is probably a good idea.

Desert Stalker

definitely, sometimes it's hard to see how meaty it will feel for players after you've worked 12 weeks straight on it, but I will put more focus on it