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Hey all, ready for 0.14? Because here it is:

What's new: the update is a bit all over the place. We're visiting the Queen, the Raiders, and spend time with Kateryna and Fairy. Keep in mind that the Queen's plotline has just begun, so don't expect too much progress with her just yet.

The first part of the new raider mission is baked into the main menu screen, however it will sadly not be released for 0.14. There was simply too much to do to complete it and give it proper care.

We're diving more into side characters this update, and the next update will most likely, at least in part, return the focus to our main cast.

I will admit that I am unhappy with the update taking 4 months, even with the extensive content. I still aim to reach a shorter release cycle, but getting there is a learning curve.

Hope you enjoy the update! I'm always open for feedback. Also, italian players rejoice, we have a translation for you.

Full version:
Gofile, Pixeldrain (0.14d)
Mac: Gofile, Pixeldrain (0.14d)
Android: Gofile, Pixeldrain (0.14d)
11.10.23: Android versions have been updated to high resolution ones.


0.14 Beta:

  • Added scenes & events:
    - Kateryna's introduction to the house (2 parts)
    - Decayed visit
    - Asani visit - Fairy's introduction
    - Series of small events at Queen's palace
    - Settlement aftermath events
    - Repeatable interactions with Asha & Kitty
    - Harem scene (Emilia/Fairy)
    - Brief interactions when you enter Ain or Shani's room
  • Minor changes / Fixes:
    - Added End Of Content screen variations



Minor changes / Bugfixes:

- Added some missing animations in Kateryna's scene, Emilia/Fairy harem scene and Asha repeatable scene
- Fairy's & Kateryna's introductions now won't happen as long as Shani is in the Zone
-   Fixed rolling back after loading a save that caused a revent in the   variable updates. Now rollback is blocked prior to that point
- Fixed Zahra's name not being interpolated in Kateryna's quest objectives
- Kateryna's introduction shouldn't happen if you denied her
- Fixed Asha talking while being knocked out in the intro scene
- Fixed misspelled variable in multiple places
- Fixed being unable to visit Raiders camp after seeing the settlement aftermath, blocking the player from Asha/Kitty
- Made Ain's room available again
- Fixed some button markers related to settlement events being enabled prematurely without the actual events being available
- Asha/Kitty are now not accessible in Raider camp before the General and Kitty are captured
- Fixed inconsistency in Queen's dialogue regarding the Thermae scene
- Fixed missing flag checks in Queen's palace scene
- Fixed Emilia appearing in Kateryna's introduction event even if the player denied her and added an alternative branch


- Added an Italian translation up to 0.14 (courtesy of Eagle1900)



Minor changes / Bugfixes:
- Hotfix for crash in the Palace



Minor changes / Bugfixes:

  • Improved the quality of the Emilia/Fairy harem animation
  • Added train animations at the start of the Decayed scene (We like trains)
  • Fixed a flag for the water woman in the settlement that caused the outcome dialogues to be reversed
  • The player now finds out Fairy's name if they got her from the trader



Minor changes / Bugfixes:

  • Added a new Zahra animation in the Kateryna scene
  • Various typos and grammar fixes
  • Fixed an incorrect sayer in Asha's settlement interaction
  • Fixed a couple of instances where Fairy's new name wasn't interpolated properly
  • Fixed an incorrect sayer in the settlement whore scene
  • Fixed an incorrect image condition in Fairy's introduction scene depending on whether Kateryna has joined the house or not
  • Fixed Shani incorrectly showing up in the Emilia/Fairy harem scene if she hasn't yet returned from the Zone
  • Made the Queen's palace interactions available only after the thermae scene to avoid out-of-order event references
  • Fixed a variable not being set to True when Kateryna joins the household
  • Made a small interaction between Ain and Kateryna available only if Kateryna has joined the household
  • Fixed some incorrect markers on the world map button in the home menu


  • Added an in-game option to toggle censorship/sharing on or off (currently under Edit Details)
  • Added the option to rename Fairy & Kitty in Edit Details after you chose their name the first time




have the same problem with the mission of decayed.

Desert Stalker

If you download the newest link you should have no issues anymore. Did you recently download or sometime in the last days?

Saint McDaniels

Yes! Repeatable interactions with Asha! And Fairy! Can't wait to play this!!! 👍👍👍


@Zetan Dude/Ma'am/Miss. That Kat scene. Standing ovation.


I'm confused. Did the access for the Stalkers just get uploaded today or October 27th? Before I only saw the Legates having access on October 27th.


Is the Fairy scene only if she isn't broken?


Been looking forward to this update for a while, thank you Z and the team!

Queefland Brown

I think that with the amount of branching that is forming in the story, a walkthrough guide might be a nice option for us to be able to pick the paths more effectively and would help the scene hunters view 100% of the content.

Wyl Tarson

Did anyone else notice a huge quality drop on the Android version? Kinda let the oxygen out of my tanks :/

Desert Stalker

Hey, apparently we overcompressed it. :/ Were working on a less compressed version, and will not compress it as much in the future. Thanks for the feedback though


Habe mich gefreut über das Update. würde mich noch mehr freuen, wenn es irgendwann eine Deutsche Übersetzung gibt... Google Übersetzer ist nicht so gut .


Thanks a lot for the update, looks great. WhileI agree that 4 months is probably close to a limit for waiting, the amount of content is still important. I'd rather prefer 2 month wait and lots of content than more frequent updates of just 1-2 scenes, don't know how about others.

Michael Hansen

completely agree with this sentiment, there is almost nothing more disappointing than finally seeing "wuhu there is a new update" and then it's 2 minute long


Great Update! It keep getting better! I love the way things are progressing.


Is there any way to get this to download to my iPhone?

Desert Stalker

There is sadly no renpy support for IOS games afaik at least our game only has android, windows and mac

Jon Reese

Mac download isnt working