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Hi everyone, there are some news I wanted to share with you for a bit, and now is as good a time as any. This will be a somewhat long post (for my standards) so I'll put a TL;DR in the end. First off...

Tier updates

I've been thinking about this for a while now. Back when I started I had no clue what I was doing, and that includes supporter tiers. As time went by we introduced more tiers, but this meant I had to come up with rewards on the spot and some might feel underwhelming or irrelevant to many.  We are still discussing about this internally on how to best approach this, and one of priorities is to be as non-disruptive to current supporters as possible. I really can't thank you enough for your support all this time, especially long-standing supporters, so we're working on ideas to mitigate any big impacts. Just to be clear, those changes will not happen until at least mid-March and I will of course announce the actual final plans well before that to give everyone enough advance notice, I just wanted to be as transparent as possible.

A bit of absence

Personal reasons will require me to be abroad for the most part of February, so news and progress updates will be somewhat non-existent during that period. I will still try to work on aspects of the game, but not sure how much of it I will manage. This brings me to my next point...

Next update release date

Given the sort of hard deadline coming up, I really want to have the next release out before I have to go away. This means that the next update will come out in late January. This is probably the first time I can give a release date early on, so here it is. I will do my best to release a decently sized update like the one that just dropped, depending on what can be done in 8 weeks. I will not rush the quality just to meet the deadline, of course.

Next update content

What will the update be about? We're going back to Nadia and Rabiah first and foremost, and that is also the preview you see above. Then, some other household characters will get screen time and potentially see their story being progressed as well. Also, more harem variations.

The last bit I want to do is Shani's final segment in the Zone. This might be somewhat tricky because I know what I want to include in it, but it's the part that requires the most effort since everything has to be made from scratch (environments/scenery/props). Shani has been away for quite some time now and I am as eager as you to get her back in the house (that will also allow us to progress other things like the Queen), but I really don't want to rush it. If I see that I cannot do it proper justice in the time I have available, I will postpone it for the next release following this one and instead focus on more family content.


- Supporter tier updates at some point in the near future which I will announce in detail well in advance.
- New release coming late January, focusing on family content (Rabiah/Nadia/household) and potentially Shani's Zone adventures ending.

As always, let me know about your thoughts or ideas in the comments, Discord or PM. See you next week. ;)




Fantastic. I really wanted to see more of Nadia and Rabiah. So I'm excited. Good luck!


You do you (not speaking for anyone else )got your back its better to wait for quality then rush a superior product


No worries and safe travels!


Really enjoy your game and always looking forward to the new updates i think most of the people who support the project really enjoy the quality and story so most of us won't mind the wait for good content keep up the great work. 👍👍👍👍😁


As long as you take your time and do it right instead of trying to squeeze it, it'll all be fine


Appreciate you giving us an heads up and I hope things go well for you I feel like you shouldn't rush yourself so you wont get burnout and that won't help anyone, still looking forward to it


Your communication has always been good, your content is outstanding, and I don't see any decisions you think are best for your patreon changing that. Take the time you need. Your personal life should always take precedence. I wish you the best of luck Zet.


I really love this game. And I hope Fairy will at least get a small update. Let us be able to cum inside her mouth!


Thank you for the update and being transparent about everything. Completely understand about the tight schedule you'll be in. So please don't feel like you have to rush certain aspect of the update if you don't have the time. So don't stress about it. At the end of the day, quality over quantity is always the best. Also regarding the changes to the tiers. No matter what, you'll have my support. You've always deliver great content and havent let me down. I'll happily support anyway I can.


Nadia and Rabiah and most likely new Kat content <3 Take your time.


I hope mc can eventually take his wifes sister and niece away to join his harem. Time to build some more bedrooms on 💖


Thanks for the update! Really appreciate it. Super looking forward to the next realease. And I hope your trip goes well!


i've said this before but absolute favorite part of this game is the world setting and the family/free use rules that exist in this world so if you can't get the main story done in time and want to focus on more scenes instead is not bad news at all in my book, looking forward to it


Thanks for all the work you have done. Two suggestions: 1 . In some of the later scenarios ,The hairstyle of the protagonist's wife and daughters can be changed. For example, the ponytail hairstyle of the wife looks very young and beautiful. It is better to add a function in the future, which can change the hairstyle and clothes for the family members.This will greatly increase the gameplay of the game. 2 . The protagonist's young daughter's eyes could be a little more detailed, and now they look a little plastic.


Sincerely hope that your game will be better and betterヾ(´〇`)ノ♪♪♪


Thank you for the news. I follow you since 0.06 and with each update I always play the game from the very beginning - just to enjoy it fully again. I really love this game! I hape that there will be any update for Fairy as well - I would love to see diffrerent outcomes of different approaches during interactions with her. Just other topic - I like your work much more but there is a bit similar game (different mechanisms but similar world) on patreon - Hot Sands of Antarctica. Do you know it?


And which one is better and have bigger content?


I already stated in my post that I liked Desert Stalker much more. Just commented that "decorum" is similar in that other game.

Desert Stalker

Hey, cool to read you're in since 0.06 ;) and I didn't play any other male pov postapocalyptic vn's really afaik

Para Digm

Thanks for the update Zetan! I appreciate the transparency and the expectations set. I mimic others' sentiment that rushing is never a good idea, so please don't feel hamstringed by the 8 week deadline. Desert Stalker has the best worldbuilding in any VN I've ever played, and it's a true credit to your dedication to storycraft. I hope you are well, and that the February absence is one with a positive note!

Kenneth Fees

Thank you for the update and the game. You have created a rich and unique world, and I look forward to each update. I also wanted to say, the last part of Shani's story in the Zone was fantastic! Safe travels!