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Hello again everyone, I can finally give a release date. Scenes have been written and what's left is the coding, tying everything together and general polishing. There are still some parts I want to try and squeeze into the update before release as well.

Early access release will be on the 17th of April. I know it barely is in the predicted early-to mid of April range, but I need that time for proper playtesting and the usual stuff. Also, it's possible that I may not be able to post a dev update next week. That won't change the release date though.

Two more weeks!

Kitchen scenes: 100%
Basement scene(s): 80%
Nadia/Family visit(s): 100%
Harem Scene: 100%
Scene A: 100%
Scene B: 100%
Scene C: 100%

d2b: 100%
d2c: 0%
d2d: 100%
d4g: 100%




I'm really looking forward to some more QT with Nadia, she's my girl. 😍


I want to see Nadia interacting with her Cousins and MC!


Hopefully we are able to see the new update for long weekend 🥺🥺🥺