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Hey everyone, 

You may have noticed I did not rush out a post when we hit the 1000th patron. In fact, rather than just making a special render to mark the occasion, I thought of giving you a bit of insight on what to expect going forward.

Since the beginning, my aim was to create a more atmospheric VN, hoping that people would like what I wanted to show and how to show it. Since then, we've come a considerable way and I always try to improve and try new things that I think will benefit the game.

Your generosity played a very big part in this, allowing me to invest in better hardware, resources, and content (music/sounds/props to name a few) and -most importantly- enable me to focus on the game. For this, I really thank you.

Now, let's talk about the game!

What you have seen so far has been in large part worldbuilding and laying out the factions, the characters and a few locations. Real story progress however is yet about to happen.

Shani being sent to the Zone is a nexus event that will step up the game's plot. Things will start to get interesting here. As you can see from the ingame questlog, the Queen's quest as well as Abrax's are dependent on what will happen here.

I aim to give this part of the game the atmosphere I feel it needs. There are a few new things I want to try here and there to make playing the game more interesting also from a pure adventure gaming/ plot perspective. This however requires a lot of new environments, planning, posing and thoughtful consideration.

It's a challenge for sure, but I am very excited to tackle it.

Yes, Asha and Kyra will return, and yes, their content will be more than just a "hold tab to skip to the sexy part" scene. 

That said, the raiders will not be part of the next update yet. But when we do bring them back, you can expect them to stick around.

Some characters are, and have always been, too interesting for me to have them "just be part of a group / side quest / faction arc".

So for example, next to her involvement with the mutant faction, Ivy will have her own arc, together with her friend. 

The game has been, from the get go, developed with two main focuses, the adventure/ storyline side being one and the house/ city side being the other.

E.g. Nadia and Fairy fall under the latter. Over the next updates we will focus not just on showing more skin, but on developing their backgrounds as well. We will learn more about Kateryna's talents, and what her long term goals might be. 

All in all, I personally am excited to be creative and find ways to tell all those stories (and show all these NSFW scenes), to continue the things I have been doing for the past year. 

I hope this has given you a slight idea of what will come over time, and I am curious as to what you are most interested in, what aspects of the game, the plot and the general environment you are most intrigued by. Let me know in the comments!




Thanks for creating such a great story with amazing visuals. This is truly worth having over 1,000 patrons.


Great story, nice collection of different characters with their own personalities ( glorious Fangs ) lol. Can't wait to see what's next in this adventure. Keep it up lol.


Congratulations on this milestone! Truly deserved! This setting is so unique and the execution so well done, I can't wait to see what comes next :)


the story and renders are top notch, but your nsfw-scenes/themes are what in combination make this one of the best anywhere! keep it up! so excited for the future!!


Great news, very well deserved for such a great game. I can't wait to see what else you have in store!

George Johnson Jr

Congrats 🎉 on your 1000th milestone. Keep doing what you do and more to come


My sincere congratulations on deservedly reaching the first 1000 supporters. 🎆 I can't wait to get my hands on the next update!

Zero Fantasy

congrats on the milestone! looking forward toseeing what you have in store for us. To many more updates!


Congratz my dude! now when we get 1k harem LOL


Congrats! Well deserved!


Excited with the next update. Congrats!


Looking forward to it! Congrats on the 1K+ patreons!


I think I love the game because of 1. Great (and also somewhat believable) "fantasy" world and interesting story with choices. That is something which is sadly difficult to find in most AVNs I especially love the dark theme of the story! 2. The graphics and render quality is amazing! Your models look gorgeous! 3. The Kinks and the way characters interact and the story is told. Nowadays a lot of AVNs have wimp Protagonists, almost all is sex and all girls are sluts and everything is mixed with shitty kinks like NTR, Sharing, Cheating, Group Sex, Lesbian, Femdom and what not. Your kinks are amazing! Incest, Maledom but also Romance, love and self-restriction! Its not just mindless fucking and orgys all the time. Especially the family scenes (with Shani) are BEAUTIFULLY made. I LOVED the latest update with Shani in the tent!


Congrats! I play since the first udpate, what a long way we've come! Great story and nice kinks :) My only gripe would be some binary choices like kill a female or not kill her. Obviously if you want sex scenes you won't kill any female, so it lessens the choice.

Desert Stalker

thanks, and yes, the game was in very early stage when these options appeared. So for the future we will most likely go for harder choices. Still, it could very well be that even if you kill some characters, you still get alternative scenes with those who still live.


This is a labor of love and it shows in every detail. 1000 patrons is yet another remarkable, well-deserved milestone. There is more to come and I am looking forward to it! Congrats to the dev and team! And to all of us. <3


You deserve more! Top tier work


The quality of your work earns my recognition and patronage. Excellent work done.

Majah Flavah

Downloaded Desert Stalker not really expecting much, but it is really 'effing good. So good that I had to subscribe to support your work. One of the top AVNs I've played.

Cadath Alan (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-06 06:23:31 When I found your game i thought to myself "Oh great, another lazy game on Ren'py". You have no idea how stunned and surprised i was when i played through your game! - Great and suiting atmosphere (scenes and music, latter especially great my Friend!! You know how to pick tracks or make them yourself) - Great character development! - Characters don't fantastically think blindly about sex (like in majority of games in that genre) and if they do, it has its justification - Story and choices - honestly, i didn't know you can implement choices with Ren'py until I played your game ^^; Fan-tas-tic! Hopefully you manage to implement more choices, although i know it might be challenging. You should know it's one of the strongest points in your game, in my option :D Oh dear...When i was playing your game i wasn't playing it for H-scenes only. The story and the world completely consumed me and i wanted to play more and more. To finally sum it up, your games have qualities of today's AAA titles <3 I'm more than happy to throw my money at you. haha <3
2022-03-01 17:58:58 When I found your game i thought to myself "Oh great, another lazy game on Ren'py". You have no idea how stunned and surprised i was when i played through your game! - Great and suiting atmosphere (scenes and music, latter especially great my Friend!! You know how to pick tracks or make them yourself) - Great character development! - Characters don't fantastically think blindly about sex (like in majority of games in that genre) and if they do, it has its justification - Story and choices - honestly, i didn't know you can implement choices with Ren'py until I played your game ^^; Fan-tas-tic! Hopefully you manage to implement more choices, although i know it might be challenging. You should know it's one of the strongest points in your game, in my option :D Oh dear...When i was playing your game i wasn't playing it for H-scenes only. The story and the world completely consumed me and i wanted to play more and more. To finally sum it up, your games have qualities of today's AAA titles <3 I'm more than happy to throw my money at you. haha <3

When I found your game i thought to myself "Oh great, another lazy game on Ren'py". You have no idea how stunned and surprised i was when i played through your game! - Great and suiting atmosphere (scenes and music, latter especially great my Friend!! You know how to pick tracks or make them yourself) - Great character development! - Characters don't fantastically think blindly about sex (like in majority of games in that genre) and if they do, it has its justification - Story and choices - honestly, i didn't know you can implement choices with Ren'py until I played your game ^^; Fan-tas-tic! Hopefully you manage to implement more choices, although i know it might be challenging. You should know it's one of the strongest points in your game, in my option :D Oh dear...When i was playing your game i wasn't playing it for H-scenes only. The story and the world completely consumed me and i wanted to play more and more. To finally sum it up, your games have qualities of today's AAA titles <3 I'm more than happy to throw my money at you. haha <3