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With most of the bugs from 0.08 dealt with, I am starting the new year fresh, and am slowly getting the ball rolling again.

For 0.09, the plan is to allow the player to take a breath, sit back and spend times with friends and family. If possible, I want to add more repeatable events as well. 

The update will focus more on the House and what happens in and around it, with a potential guest or two.

Kitchen scene: 20%
(More to follow...)




Finally 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉


Kateryna 😍😋


Where's Igor? 🤣


Nice! It's good to see, that you actually care about the game! During the weekend I have spent a few hours with it, and after v0.3 the improvements are very much visible! (earlier I didn't have time, after that I wanted to wait until the revamp is finished) So, thank you for the awesome game, and keep up the good work!


So worth the wait. Every single time. <3

Desert Stalker

Thanks, and yes of course, I love the variety of sceneries and environments that I can develop, it doesn't get boring. I hope to improve more, but I think I found my style at this point when it comes to renders. :)

Zero Fantasy

Excellent. look forward to the next update!


Da se nějak hrát ?

Desert Stalker

I translated your question ;p and 0.08c is available if you look for the latest release. This here is just a preview


Hi please is there any site where I can play the game please ?


Jo ale musíš stáhnout plnou verzi