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I am one day late to the party, but better late than never! We officially hit the 500 patron mark. Many many thanks to all of you for making this possible! 

Almost 9 months have passed since I released the first version and, as I said in the last announcement, I aim to make this a part time engagement. Me being able to do so and reduce my day job to a part time commitment is coming closer to reality.

The game still has a largely untapped potential, so expect more of everything; romances, apocalyptic degeneracy, tragedies, main and side quests, there are enough stories to tell.

For those who are newer supporters: your contribution helps me develop this game in higher quality than I could do without them. Thanks to you I'm able to invest in high quality props, music, sound effects and of course hardware.  You will see the results over the upcoming updates. To put it bluntly; screw normal renpy games, if you tell a story, it should be epic.

The pictures are not a scene preview, but custom pictures. I normally don't do renders that are not meant to become part of the game, but for this special occasion I made an exception. I will also upload a NSFW aftermath of this scene in the discord for Tier 3+ supporters in the next days.

I'm excited to see if we can hit another milestone, until then, back to work I go. 8)






Very well deserved! This is easily one of the best adult games ever. Congrats and I can't wait to see more!


Congratulations, you deserve it for your good work.


One milestone among many yet to come. Congratulations!


The results speak for itself. You've showed great skilling world building and writing. Happy to see this project take off.


As a new sponsor I just wanted to say, well done! You really have a wining formula here, a nice balance between story and repeatable content, top-notch graphics, good story/dialog, and most importantly the setting, a blend of real and different that comes off as quite authentic, simply tremendous possibilities. There is no forgetting this one and having it fade into a heap of clone/variants, this one stands apart and above, looking forward to the unfolding of this one. Keep up the great work.

Desert Stalker

thank you, this was great to read. I also think authenticity in the story and characters is important, so we hope to flesh it out more as the game goes.