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As I stated in my previous post that starting next month, high tier rewards, specifically $20 and $50, will be dropped so that I can focus on personal projects, like fanart, comics, and animations. However I will also bringing back monthly Polls around October. I would have brought it back right now, but unfortunately there are still a bit more work for me to do before I start a poll.

But just to give you context on what the first poll will be, it will be character art. More specifically Pokemon Characters.  One character for each gen. And the month after, It'll be a comic poll like I did the previous ones I posted before. Not sure what it'll be but I will make my final decision afterwards. There's so much ideas crammed into my head that I want to work on them as much as possible but I also wanted to take this slowly but surely, and not getting stressed by overloading myself with work again. 

Yet despite my nervousness about the upcoming changes, I am excited on what the future will bring and I will do my best to bring the best content as much as I can ^_^


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