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First off, I wanted to say, thank you to everyone for your concern about my health. I'm getting better as the days goes by. I'm still not fully recovered yet but I am in good working condition. Don't worry, I'll work in short duration so I don't get sick in my current state. 

Now for the real deal. As the title implies, I'm currently taking suggestions for the next polls. So if you have any comments or characters for April,  so leave a comment down below and name a character from any series you want me to draw and I'll post them in the next polls soon!

And here's a teaser from last month's polls where Aqua is the winner. 

 I actually hid a sketch of her outfit. Because that would ruin the fun. And no it's not kinky >_>;

Again thank you for your support and concern. I'll try to balance work and time as soon as I'm fully recovered.

Take care everyone! o/



Let's go with...Tatsumaki or Fubuki from One Punch Man? Maybe?


My vote is Springfield from GFL in her summer outfit


Ah the two fine ladies of the Captain Baldy series :D