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This new craft beer called 'Witch's Brew' has been the hot topic at the local bars, so this "trendy" couple decided to try it out. Luckily for them, there was a 2 for 1 special! Little did they know that 'Witch's Brew' has a bit of a magical aspect to it! It causes two people to swap body parts! This type of product seems a bit familiar somehow...

This body part swap (torso swap) was the winner of our second poll held in September. Thanks everyone for voting!




He has the hips for it

Brian Robinson

Is it 1 swap per bottle or would they swap back if they kept drinking?


I'd like to think it's one or two part swaps per bottle, and you have to drink a lot to even try to swap back. Of course, later on you'll have swapped a ton of times, and you might be drunk and curious enough to try and explore your new parts 😏

Steven Allsopp

Would love to see more like this :)