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Managed to get some time to animate! I've been super busy with another project (non-sfm related). This will be the last segment in which I fully animate frame by frame. Which is what takes so long to do. After this, it will mostly be the looped sex/oral, which I have done in the previous two films. That will definitely speed up the process for this project. Let's hope to dear god I can finish this film by the end of this year!

I animated Chloe kicking the shit out of Lara after she butt fucks her. She then forces her cock down Lara's throat. What happens next you may ask? Lara will break free and a fight will break out as we see their silhouettes. 

Also, got a surprise(s) for you guys for this month before August ends. Stay tuned 



David Barger

Hell yeah love it! Glad to see some updates! :) hope all is well


Looks interesting! And dynamic! that silhouettes thing is cool idea! ...hope that surprise(s) involve Samus xD Anyway, good luck with animating! Don't overdo it and take care of yourself!

Funni Boi

More hype for this than any movie coming out lol love when they get revenge and fuck the girl that just fucked them

Definitely Not Sombra

Ooh looks super great! The silhouettes look really promising!

