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Hello folks!

Here is the very first slice of WIP for SoF 3. This map is pretty huge, don't really know what it's called or from what game. If you know please let me know in the comments haha. 

I love this map. There are so many different areas and I think it's a perfect fit for this series. I also wanted part 3 to take place during the day but I don't want it too dark so this is a perfect setting. 

In the screenshots, we have two areas in the map that will involve Croft's scenes. I decided to introduce each character alone. Each having their own confrontation with Power Girl. They are all split up and hunting for Power Girl. They will all be heavily loaded. (Lara will have more than an ice pick) 

UPDATE (9-24-22) : A patron has brought to my attention about SoF 3 being a free for all where they fight each other as I mention (and forgot) in my last plot post. 

So, this is a correction to the plot: The characters will fight each other (in pairs) and Powergirl will intervene and dominate two at a time. Then, hopefully (if SFM can handle it) they will all meet towards the end in which there will be a big fight amongst all of them. I'm sure there are tricks I can do to make it appear as if they are all in the same scene even though they are not (because SFM might not be anble to handle all models). 

Of course, Powergirl overpowers them all so, after a bit of fighting they decide to set aside their differences and gang up on Powergirl.

Not a huge change in the plot. Just want to stick to the original idea I had before. Big shout out to the patron that reminded me. ☺

Comment your thoughts or ideas!



Roberto Leal

More anal creampies and cumshot awesome.

jimmy jam

sounds great

David Barger

Sounds amazing I love the idea of power girl fucking them all and then getting gangbanged ! Love the scenery too

The Lostmedi

What worries me is not because of the theme of the story, but how ambitious it is. Don't you think the same thing will happen as sof 2?

Definitely Not Sombra

The story and background looks super good! Maybe not a concern, but a suggestion: Instead of Powergirl fucking everybody one after another, have Powergirl powerbottom (hehe) one of them? For variety's sake? You could still show she is in control regardless


So what you're saying is, 4 separate scenes of power girl pounding each character and then 5th scene of power girl being pounded by all 4? Right? I thought there was going to be a free for all where everyone starts fucking everyone, like what you explained in the previous plot post? Correct me if I'm wrong


I'm not sure I understand powerbottom? Can you explain? Sorry if it's a dumb question 😅


You're actually correct. Thank you for bringing that up. The reason I decided to make an individual scene for each character with Powergirl, is because I'm afriad that SFM may not be able to handle all 5 models in one session. So, if I animate 4 scenes with only 2 characters in each, it'll work. But of course the finale will include ALL characters so why not just animate them all you might ask. Well, if I am not able to load all 5 characters in at once, at least I will have a scene with each character having sex with Powergirl.


But I did forget about the fact that it is a FREE FOR ALL. So, I will make an update because I do want the characters to fight each other (at least in pairs) and have Powergirl intervene and maybe fuck two at a time. Thanks again for bringing that up, sometimes I start changing ideas for the sake of convenience. Lol

Definitely Not Sombra

No worries! It's basically bottoming (anal), but the bottom is still in control / in charge. Ie: Lara is sitting / laying down. Power Girl is riding her. Lara has a hesitant expression on her face. Or Power Girl is holding Lara's gun up. Or something else: you could have a girl be 'stuck' against a wall, or Power Girl is holding them down. And Power Girl is eating them out / sucking them off from behind. Also 'against their will'

The Lostmedi

I mean how it will be so ambitious sometimes I worry about the time it takes to make this part 3 it scares me if we have to wait almost a year for to see part 3 😅😅😅

Definitely Not Sombra

The free-for-all or even 2 or 3 against each other would definitely be awesome! Please don't forget it.


will you bring back double_anal?

The Lostmedi

Some update for this month?