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1. not Luci picking his nose while Khamael talking about how much Raphael has gone thru 😭😩 2. we love Khamael he's so big and strong and dependable and supportive of Raphael, he's willing to take a step back emotionally just in case Uriel (and Belias, but let's face it, Luci will be useless the second he sees Shealtiel) can help him save Raphael.


also I think there might possibly be a typo on the first panel? when Khamael is holding Luci's head and he says: "Have demons made their inside our doorstep?" I'm not sure if I should mention it bc I don't want to seem nitpicky and I love your work! but I also know when I work on something for a long time, I've stared at it so many times that my brain will completely gloss over something like that haha


I’m in love with even how preposterous it may sound to Khamael, he’s willing to hear them out since it could be helpful to them saving Raphael :’) in love with your work once again Hakei <33