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Hey everyone,

I figured I'd post this here as well, for those who may not be on the platform-I-will-continue-to-call-Twitter:

Patreon is currently having major billing issues, leading to your payments being declined or marked as fraud — and in some cases, cancelling all of your subscriptions.

From what I could gather:

  • The problem seems to affect mainly U.S. users using cards.
  • Patreon changed their billing address from California to Dublin, Ireland (probably for tax evasion purposes lol), causing many banks to decline the sudden international transaction.
  • Some people are also getting hit by an additional international charge because of this.

It may also be Patreon's entire system breaking, as usual. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Patreon says they're working on this "slight" issue and is instructing us users to solve the problem by contacting our banks or switching to Paypal. But from what I can tell of people's replies in the twitter thread, doing so still gives you errors.

Patreon's also having big issues with Payoneer right now, so that's just peachy. :)

At the time of me writing this post, no solution has been found and both patrons and creators are left sitting in the dust twiddling our thumbs, hoping Patreon gets its shit together for once.

I'd keep an eye out on Patreon Support's twitter account for any updates.





Was going to say the same thing as nitromentis; Patreon is based in Dublin for me too, so that's probably why europeans don't have as much issues (though I did find that my payment was being processed slowly for some reason..) Anyways I think (hope?) they'll get their mess fixed asap since they must be leaking money right now, and this is usually a good motivator for companies lmao 🙃 Hope you're doing okay and that this is not too hard on you 🥺❤️


haha right? you'd think the one (and only) area patreon does care about is getting their cut, yet here we are :) I don't think me or my patrons affected by it yet - knock on wood- thank you for thinking of me, bunny!


I thiiink mine is fine since I've always used Paypal and my payment posted on the first both to my Paypal and my bank. Weirdly enough though it's billing my different subscriptions on different days rather than just on the first. Might just be how some of them are set up. I hope it doesn't affect you! That's a huge big major yikes for Patreon though that I hope they fix soon for creators' sake


Interesting! I don't think I've been hit yet but also I haven't gotten any payouts this month so we might have to see 😂