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Hey everyone,

Hope life has been treating you well.
I wanted to update you guys on this announcement I made a year ago —which is to say

The contracted project will finally be finished in a few weeks.

which means

I can finally go back to doing YWAM full time.

Hallelujah praise baby jesus ✨🙌✨🙌🎉🎉🎉🎉

Some of you might have noticed I've been slacking on the Modern AU and other extra rewards compared to last year. Well... it's because the contracted project was taking up most of my time. :')

(currently there is no release date on the Tapas project. It was originally to be published last November but got delayed. So sad.)

I'm not sure if I'll go back to a weekly upload schedule but I will be able to work on more extras for Patreon. So there's that to look forward to starting late March/April-ish.

As always, thanks everyone for following Shealtiel in his journey!





This is awesome, congrats! Whatecer you decide on, make sure to think of yourself too and treat yourself kindly. We want what's best for you always 💕 And again, congrats!

