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Hey everyone,

Due to me feeling continuously sick the past few weeks, I've decided to change the update schedule so that a new episode comes out every 10th, 20th, and 30th of each month until the foreseeable future, starting next week (so next new episode posted on April 30th for the early-reading tiers).

Hopefully this will give me the leeway to rest but also let me go back to doing more frequent Patreon rewards for all tiers, as I used to do (which I miss doing lol).

Basically continuing from the last announcement — I've since hired lineart assistants so that I could keep up the weekly schedule. But even with the assistants, there is a lot of things I still need to draw myself, writing the script, storyboarding, editing backgrounds, adding effects, etc.

With the contracted work, I don't have to worry about the story since I'm not the writer, but still the rest falls on my shoulders.

I hated having to awkwardly split up the episode parts in the middle before, so I'll be trying out the new 10/20/30th schedule and see how that goes.

Thanks for your support and understanding everyone!





So much love and respect for taking care of yourself! <3 It's so important to look after yourself but realize how tough a decision it must have been. I hope this new schedule benefits you greatly and you feel better soon xx

Deedra Crocicchia

Hakei you’re a beast for doing as much as you have! Take your time it’s always sooooooo worth it, and we want you healthy!!!!!