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Hey y'all.

Sorry I keep having to make these updates, but I wanted to explain why I randomly disappeared last week when I usually post new stuff pretty regularly.

So a little bit after I did the commissions post my mom told me that my dad was in the hospital, but it wasn't a big deal.  About an hour after that it became a big deal and he was in the ICU for most of the week and weekend. I ended up spending most of that time on the phone, traveling to my parents place, and worrying.

Luckily he's back home now and everything turned out ok for the most part. I'm back home too and can get back to my normal schedule. Hopefully nothing else insane happens the rest of this year. *aggressively knocks on wood*

Thanks for your support and patience y'all. Fun stuff soon! :)



Glad to hear your dad is alright. Here's hoping the rest of your year goes fairly smoothly.


We get it. Take your time! Sorry that happened!