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I mentioned in an earlier post that I was going through some family stuff and that posting was slower than usual. To make a long story short there were two deaths in the family within the span of a week and so there has been a lot of travel and chaos.

Things have mellowed out now, but I’m still kind of in recovery mode and I’m getting back to my normal schedule. Because of all the chaos though a lot of my funds I was saving for a new computer have been drained so I’m going to open up commissions again.

I’m not going to open sequence commissions however. I’m still currently working on sequences from the last batch and if I’m going to take on more, I’d like to get to them some time this century! :D

I’ll do an official opening tomorrow with the rules and what types of commissions I’m taking. I’m going to open it up to y’all first and then open it up to everyone else later. Y’all all still have the 10% patron discount on any commissions you want to get. 

More info tomorrow! Thanks for all of your support :)



My condolences to you for your losses.


Jesus, sorry to hear about everything going on man.

Devin Statetzny

I’m so sorry for your losses, don’t feel like you need to rush into pumping out art again if you aren’t feeling it. We understand.


I won't go into details, but things are a lot better than they were and are back to normal for the most part. Thank you for the condolences.

Ness Perez

I am so sorry to hear this... I'll keep you and your family in my prayers.