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So, the good news is, we will be getting a Lamia.

The bad new is she will have jank, like all my first-try stuff xD.

But, compared to most lamias I've seen online, she has a somewhat easy-to-pose top and middle section via leg and foot. and can still be micromanaged on the lower-end tail as it has dynamic bones.

Sadly that means that the top section can't make any funny twists since it has a total of 3 bones controlling it.

Also, the dynamic bone base is at that of the foot. So in order for the tail to move in an animation, the foot needs to be in motion (If its just hip sway for example, the tail is possible to edit, but static.)

also she might be a bit late, since I wasted a whole week making this so all the other stuff still need to be done.




Amazing work!