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So, let's get the important stuff out of the way.

Thanks to the awesome peeps in the koi discord server and Nakay (The original creator that I think is no longer active?) I got ma hands on a new plugin that lets me create alpha maps for any clothing section (Other than bra, unless I janked out my test run on it)

What does that mean? It means I can stop trying to micro edit the mesh day in day out to avoid clipping, since I can just hide the body under. And before anybody freaks out, that mask reacts like the material editor for the top. When the clothes are on it's active, when they are off it's not (Half states included.)

Now obsly, you all will need this plugin for the new masks to work, so, I'll now be adding it in my future releases along with the zipmod.

Hey, we might just be a total of 9 nutjobs here, but why not go for as much quality as we can xD...

Now, with that in mind, I essentially just skipped a LOT of work with the commissioned outfit, as you can see in the image.

As mentioned, I'm making only the main outfit (No extras and accs). 

The character and hair were given to me.

(Also, I'll be making a graph on pricing for commissions soon. Though be warned. Commissions ain't gonna be cheap. The pricing for Patreon is essentially supposed to be a donation/drive for me to keep making more stuff, not a price tag for the models I already got here. Though some peeps just pay and run xD but what can you do, life ain't easy.)

As for the poll, if you guys leave it up to me, I'm going to use a random picker and let it decide xD. You can vote up till the next post in the weekend.

Now if you scuze me, I slept a total of 3 hours yesterday in order to get the gist of the alpha mask plugin....



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