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**Update** I've uploaded some GIFs to the Hub page here :)

Here is the download for Silver Thruster!  I'm marking this Early Access for the time being.  It still needs some testing and I have a feature or two I'm experimenting with that may get added.  I was going to post some gifs, but I'm worried about running afoul of Patreon's rules, so I will post them on Hub later and link them here.

Thruster works a bit differently depending on how it's used.  It is primarily designed to be used with PBaseControl when placed on a male, Hips, when placed on a female, and Hands when placed on either.  Here are some quick instructions:

Add SilverThruster.cs to a character and select a body part as the Thruster.

Select a body part for Secondary Motion (this body part will move in sync with the thruster in a circular motion to fancy up the animation)

When Align P is checked, the P will angle itself relative to the P Target (the angle changes depending on it's proximity to the target).

Select a Partner Atom (if applicable).  This is the other person involved.

Select a P Target (if applicable).  The P (I probably don't need to be so careful in a private post, but meh) will align to either the Mouth or the V.  It's alignment dfirection changes relative to its proximity to the target.  Oooohhh.   Ahhhhhh.

VaMMoan Self/Partner - If the excellent VaMMoan Plugin is loaded onto either character, check the respective box for SilverThruster to assume control of VM's intensity.  It will trigger different intensities whenever the speed changes.

Radius - This determines how far the thruster will move.  Values will randomized between min and max.  Small moves here, this can get out of hand quickly.

Radius Mod - This determines how circular the path of the thruster is.  Imagine it moving along an ellipse.  Higher values narrow the ellipse.  Lower values result in more circular motion.

Speed - Randomizes between min and max.

Change Time - Duration between random parameter changes (this varies a little to keep it form seeming too predictable).

Radius 2 - This determines the distance and direction the Secondary Motion selection will move.  Select negative values to reverse the motion.

Rot 2 Offset - The offset, in degrees, of the secondary selection from the thruster selection.  You'll need to stop and reactivate to see your changes here.

Exclusive Early Access for Patrons.  THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!



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