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Ahoy this is Luxy za fictional character for the GxJudgement and right now there are announcements to make or action that might come in progress.

lately I've been in Patreon for such a decade now and you can see the improvements i have when going to my website.

And so far patreon helped me grew and my earnings went raised to $350 dollars. I still have the fire in me to continue to draw on what's best for me, or something that I'd like/want to show in most of my artworks and comics.

Now regarding to the new Rule in both gumroad and patreon. THIS IS A HUGE JEOPARDY as most of the TF artist (who's at Patreon or Gumroad) will be possibly be terminated due to the Non-consentual , humanXFurry, underage, and mostly NSFW content rules. 

So i would announced that im deleting ALL NSFW artworks including lewd pinups or sequence in Patreon and moving them all to this subscriberstar. The only Gallery you will only see in Patreon will now just be simple Pinups or some safe tf comics (like the one on my kofi website).

If you all still want to continue supporting me and raise my Money back in the game to $350 dollars then feel free to sign up and support me in SubscriberStar
along side the other TF artists.


GxJudgement on subscribestar.adult

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So no more lewds here? Aw