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Here are my top five picks for this month's Patron Idea Post. Vote for the ones you like best.


An AU for Thrown Back.

Opening: As the purple flames engulfed Harry, the world froze. And then started to fade. Nothing moved, except for her. Somehow, Hermione could look around, could see the world collapsing around them. She wasn’t the brightest witch in a generation for nothing though. And even as the world dissolved around her, she had a shrewd guess as to what had just happened. And she had only seconds to act! Pointing her wand at the spot where Harry had just stood, she directed her magic at it, widening the echo that she sensed, creating an opening. Just large enough for her to tumble through.

Story Idea: My thinking is that in travelling through time with Harry in their third year, Hermione had a subtle trace of time magic left on her that gave her a small shield from the effect of the timeline collapse. And after the battle in the Department of Mysteries, Hermione had been studying time on the side.

So when Harry gets thrown back, she’s able to follow after him.

But as fiction writers everywhere know time travel is bullshit and never operates logically. And so Hermione gets spat out in Hogwarts several days/weeks/months after Harry arrived. He’s already in a relationship with Bellatrix, Narcissa and Lily when his best friend joins him in this new timeline.


Alright, let’s be more specific this month to see if that helps. An incredibly embarrassed Hermione goes to Harry’s dorm one night and pulls him up to her dorm room. Turns out her, Lavender, Parvati, Ginny, and a few others were playing magical Truth or Dare, and she was dared to grab Harry as a judge. Turns out that magical dares might be more “compelling” than normal ones, so things spiral into debauchery from there.

Sage Berthelsen

Harry/Susan Bones.

Upon completing the Triwizard tournament, the Black seat awakens and compels Harry to take his lawful seat. What’s this?!? The Bones family had a marriage contract with Sirius, but it passes him over for being “in” jail? Looks like the Bones aunt and niece need to find this new Lord Black!!

Kant B. Write

Harry/Hermione, Harry/Lavender, Harry/Hermione/Lavender

Set during their final year; Hermione is sick and tired of Lavender bringing her dates back to the dorm room, every weekend it’s someone new, and Hermione is forced to study on her bed with the curtains drawn and silenced because (being an exhibitionist) Lavender never closes hers. After Hermione finally confronts her about it, Lavender says she’s just choosing to enjoy her school life as opposed to missing it just studying. Hermione says she’s wasting instead by choosing boys instead of grades.

Lavender insists that her grades are fine and Hermione is just being uptight, and that she’d enjoy life more if she went on more dates with her boyfriend, Harry. This leads to an argument and eventually a wager between the two that on the next test if Hermione gets a better grade Lavender can’t hookup with any more boys for the rest of the year, but if Lavender wins, she gets to have Harry for a week, and Hermione has to watch (“Maybe it’ll get your that stick out your ass if you live a little” or something like that). Thinking it’s an easy win (and angry with Lavender), Hermione agrees and seals the bet with magic.

Lo and behold, Lavender wins, and Hermione is forced to watch Lavender fuck her loving boyfriend. At first, she’s embarrassed because she’s only done vanilla missionary under the covers with Harry, but after watching some of the things Lavender does to Harry, Hermione starts to become more aroused by what she’s seeing. On their last time together, Hermione is caught touching herself and is invited to join in.



New Idea,

4th year, directly after the Yule Ball is announced, Harry is unexpectedly approached by a beautiful Beauxbatons student from Spain who was impressed by his courage in the 1st Task and wishes to go to the ball with him, rather than because of his fame, because she only believes what she sees with her own eyes and learns for herself rather than what people say about him. Even offering to teach him after learning he doesn’t know how to dance, as it will offer her a chance to learn more about him.

Harry agrees to be her date and goes with her, and finds that he enjoys her company immensely due to the fact that she isn’t impressed by his fame, is willing to stand up for her beliefs and others, and judges others based on their deeds rather than their wealth or power.

OC has art on the discord. https://discord.com/channels/1074392734720331847/1074395644355154030/1085123291276136480



Tornado, Sage; and MNO1. Loved those three ideas.


Really like the ideas of both Sage and MN01. MN01 could easily be either wholesome or full of debauchery


I just love the idea of Hermione going back in time and seeing Harry with Lily as her first meeting with him. The turning gears as she realizes what's up, Harry recognizing her and freaking out that Hermione is seeing him with his *mom*... "Hermione! This isn't what... No. It's totally what it looks like. In my defense though, have you seen her?" :D


MN01 for its originality, plus your OCs are always great to read. Definitely more interested in seeing that 🙏


I like how the OC character “art” is just a picture of Catherine Zita Jones in the Mask of Zorro 😂


The base model is Catherine Zita Jones from MoZ that's been tweaked with various little changes like age, skin, more volume in the hair, makeup, and eye color, and the background is from the HP Hogwarts hallway . Its a Faceapp digital manipulation, then filtered through Piccy and PiZap. The new eye color was the most difficult to get right.

Sage Berthelsen

Lol I just remembered Molly in Thrown Back! Oh, the Judgmental and scornful looks Harry will receive when that nugget comes to light!

Ahtu Nyarlathotep

I REALLY want to see Hermione's reaction to what Harry has been up to in Thrown Back xD I'm less into the exact explanation as to how she ended up there, but who cares about that? This is about Hermione coming to terms with Harry sleeping with Lily and Bellatrix. I can already imagine her face when she finds out: O.o!


If tornadoboy doesn’t win please resubmit next month. That is such a great idea


I love Hermione but I'm being tired of her making her way into every relationship Harry gets into. At first I didn't mind much, but 'Like Grains of Sand in the Hourglass' by TemporalKnight was it for me.

Markus Hertle

pankor oder tornado ich kann mich nicht entscheiden