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Friends with Benefits

In a world where divorce didn't exist and daughters were commonly entered into marriage contracts for political or capital gain, witches, more than wizards, had a tendency to stick together. At Hogwarts, while the boys saw the separation of houses as a chance to compete to see who was the best, the girls preferred to ignore house lines. It wasn't long after the founding of the school that the older witches got together and formed a secret club. One in which they were free to express themselves sexually without the risk of word getting out to potential suitors, or worse, their parents. In this club, only the most desirable and trustworthy boys were made privy to its existence.

Over the centuries, the laws changed and arranged marriages became much less common. The club remained and its existence was still made known to the girls, but fewer and fewer joined every year. Eventually, it became more of a get together for  girls to talk about their issues in private than it was about exploring their sexuality. 

However, with the rise of Umbridge to the position of High Inquisitor, the Ministry openly pushing to bring back the old ways, and the threat of a Dark Lord looming over them, the club experiences a sudden resurgence. Purebloods fearful of being sold off by their parents along with Half-bloods and Muggleborns afraid of being targeted in a blood war band together.

In a secret room near the Astronomy Tower, the girls find centuries old notes from past students, detailing how the club was run. Picking up where they left off, now they just need to agree on a boy to bring in. Fortunately, there's one boy in the school that's prove beyond a doubt to be everything they need and more. 

Harry Potter's year is finally about to get better. 



This sounds like a really good story idea. You have the politics and maneuvering of the ministry etc.. vs the girls figuring out what they want and realizing what they’ve been told by the authorities isn’t actually true. I’d really enjoy reading this


I agree; this sounds like an interesting story. Please continue.


Definitely a good idea. The primary pairing of harry/daphne/aged down tonks/susan then add whoever as temp or permanent... the carrow twins just popped in my head


Sorry if my idea for pairing hit like a truck. Do what you want it's your story to tell

Zitronen tee

This sounds like it really has legs to boot. Especially if you broaden the focus some and allow girls of different backgrounds to interact. This has potential to be awesome.

Finn Ryan

I think if you write it, the story should be from the perspective of the girls. Maybe a different one each chapter? This just sounds a lot more like a story about them than


Fun idea for introduction of the boy to the club is masks on the girls to make sure they don't blab. Once trustworthy the girl can choose to take the mask off. Fun visually and a chance to bring in magical creature masks


I like the premise. It would be interesting if the girls could read about their own ancestors - it wouldn’t need to be completely formulaic but it could be an interesting chapter set up: That chapters female focus POV - reads about either their mother or older ancestors journal entries and then decides to try either that fantasy/role play or kink with Harry.


Definitely has the potential to become quite a story, especially since it will likely bring together witches from all backgrounds, pureblood, half-blood, and first-generation. I quite expect there will be a fair bit of polyamory even before they bring Harry in - and, really, who else among the wizards has proven himself to be trustworthy? I could them considering Neville at a later date, but he'd need to stiffen his backbone, first. I can't think of any other wizards who even demonstrate the potential to be worth bringing in.


Hey Professor, I wondering if we could get an announcement for the result of the FFF poll you recently posted, just so us Scribes can know what to expect. Viewing and voting in the poll should obviously stay at higher tiers tho