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It's that time again for you to submit your oneshot ideas. Please remember to keep them Harry-centric, no non-con, and put a like next to stories you want to see in the poll, it helps me figure out which ones all of you like the most.  Have fun, and be creative everyone!



Moaning Myrtle wants to experience life as a real, living girl again. Hermione wants to study ghosts up close. So Myrtle and Hermione make a deal: Hermione will let Myrtle possess her body in exchange for research information on ghosts. And naturally, Myrtle's first task on the agenda? Shagging Harry Potter!


Lavender Brown is a bisexual sex pot who sees that Harry is stressed the fuck out in Fifth Year. She also has always wanted to be closer friends with Harry but hasn't found a way... Until she offers to help him relax and focus. Which leads to sex. Incredible sex. So incredible that Lavender may be ruined for other men... But not ruined for wanting to tag team other girls with her Harry!


Time travel grindlewald era/marauders era


Mafia (Godfather) style Harry revolving around the classic great betrayal after Voldemort is killed. The twist is he was aware of it coming and with the help of others he was able to circumvent the plans for him. This could involve one of those close to him being a double agent that not even Snipe would have seen coming. Maybe even bring in house elves and goblins as enforcers.


Harry/Hermione Harry Potter, 40, after a fizzling of his relationship with Ginny, left the Aurors and became a Hit-Wizard for the ICW. Married Hermione after her own relationship with Ron didn't work out. Now, Harry is flung back in time to his own fifth year, in his current body, and somehow Hermione's mind is shifted to her younger body. As he becomes the DADA professor what issues arise when they want to continue their relationship?


Harry runs an exclusive club for unsatisfied witches. Most members are pureblood wives with a few others mixed in. Most husbands ignore what goes on there but some choose to cause an issue. These are shown how satisfied their wives are with the services provided by the club.


13 years after the Fight at the Ministry All people who used a time turner issued by the MM are flung back to a random time that they used one in the past. Now in their younger bodies with the experiences they have accrued over the years things are truly about to go wild. Several relationships about to dramatically change. Narcissa developed a friendship after coaching Lord Potter-Black post war, Madam Zabini grateful for Harry lifting the blood malediction that killed off her husbands and made her seek out new ones, Molly after her husband was killed in a raid was consoled by Harry, Julie Runcorn who became an Auror Post war and was Harry's partner and wished they could have been something more. Some of these used a time turner before the source of them was destroyed to take multiple classes/catchup over summer courses and some used it for other reasons.


We really don't have enough of these but my next idea would be something more Harry/Pansy centric (no harem). Something like during 3rd/4th year onward, Draco neglects Pansy and doesn't take her on dates, doesn't try anything romantic for her, and is constantly unkind toward her. (Or alternatively doesn't ask her to the yule ball or anything like the above and even pays more attention to other girls than her while she's sitting right next to him, etc) She's feeling lonely, unappreciated, and generally down and Harry stumbles upon her crying in a seculed part of Hogsmeade, an empty classroom, the owlery, the kitchens, etc. Even though he isn't supposed to be there (or is past crefew in the case of the castle) and their past animosity, he takes a chance and comforts her, and convinces her to let him take her on a secret date through hogsmeade or exploring the castle. Pansy is pleasantly suprised that she enjoy's herself and Harry's company immensely and afterwards starts changing after realizing that Harry Potter, a half-blood and a person she was supposed to think of as lesser, treated her better than her supposed boyfriend and an example of a rich pureblood wizard. Harry is just as rich but doesn't feel the need to flaunt it or act like a peacock, he's secure in his wealth. Harry is strong in Magic, and above all makes her feel good about herself and didn't make her feel less about herself. So she asks if they could do this again and thus starts the path to Pansy's growth. Pansy starts falling increasingly in love with him and ends up changing because of it because she begins to doubt a lot of things she's been taught. She doesn't join in on Draco's antics, she becomes much more open to those she was taught she was never to associate with and as she spends more time with Harry the more she realizes he'd much better husband material. And in many ways she also helps him as well. Basically, Harry steals Draco's girl just by being nice to her and she in turn learns that to question what she's been taught and from it becomes a better person and that Draco and a lot of the Slytherin males around her age are either morons or arseholes with an inflated sense of their importance. So she's ends up breaking up with Draco and trying to start up new friendships elsewhere while mending bridges due to her past behavior. So Harry and Pansy become the Andromeda/Ted of their generation.