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Chapter 11

A/N: Someone pointed out that I made a mistake that I missed. In previous chapters, I’ve written about Alicia and Angelina, who should’ve graduated by now. We'll just say they're a year younger than canon. I know this chapter adds a couple of other plot holes that I'll be going back to fix when I get a chance. I'm still fairly sick, so I don't have as much energy as I usually do. Anyways, I hope you all had a great Christmas/Holiday. Happy reading!

“Everyone ready to go?” Amelia asked.

Harry nodded along with Hermione, Susan, and Tonks as they walked down the stairs, their trunks levitating in front of them.

“All set,” Susan smiled.

“Good, we need to get going,” Amelia replied.

“Thanks for having me over,” Harry said.

“Me too,” Hermione added.

Amelia smiled, “You’re both welcome here anytime.”

Grabbing her trunk, Tonks walked over to the fireplace and took a handful of Floo powder from the vase on the mantle.

“Platform nine and three-quarters,” she called out.

Throwing the powder into the fire, the flames turned green a moment before she stepped into them and vanished in an emerald flash.

“Alright, Susan, you next,” Amelia said.

Nodding, Susan stepped through the Floo, followed by Hermione. Before taking his own turn, Harry turned to Amelia, took her in his arms, and kissed her. She kissed him back fervently, fingers threading through his hair to pull him closer. By the time they parted, both of them were breathless.

“Thank you,” Amelia said quietly, a soft, sad smile on her face.

“I’ll miss you, too,” Harry smiled, knowing what she was really trying to say.

Giving her one last brief kiss, he reached up and squeezed both of her breasts before pulling back with a cheeky grin and moving towards the Floo.

“Harry!” Amelia yelled.

Grinning, he turned to face her smiling face before throwing down the Floo powder and vanishing into the network. Spinning wildly, Harry kicked his legs and stepped out onto platform nine and three-quarters with only a slight stumble. Picking up his trunk, he joined the girls while Amelia stepped out of the Floo behind him with a playful glare.

“Harry, were you teasing Auntie?” Susan asked.

“Just a little,” he smiled.

“Well, If you’re finished, give me a hug goodbye,” Amelia said. “You’ll want to get on the express before all the good seats are gone.”

Smiling, Harry hugged her first before stepping out of the way for Susan. As he glanced around the platform, he spotted a familiar brunette stepping through the barrier to King’s Cross Station.

“Katie!” Harry yelled.

Dropping his trunk, he rushed over and pulled her into a hug.

“Are you alright?” he asked, pulling back to look at her confused face.

“Sorry, but who are you?” Katie asked.

Harry’s stomach dropped as he looked at her, not knowing what to say. Suddenly, Katie’s face morphed into a bright smile before she covered her mouth as she laughed.

“You should’ve seen the look on your face,” Katie wheezed.

“That’s not funny,” Harry huffed in spite of the laughs he heard behind him.

“Yes, it is,” Tonks grinned.

Sighing, Harry shook his head before pulling Katie into another hug.

“It’s good to see you back,” he said.

“Thanks,” Katie murmured. “I’m fine, by the way. I don’t remember much of what happened, but the healers said I’ll be fine.”

With a sigh of relief, Harry pulled back with a smile while Hermione and Susan stepped forward to hug her as well.

“It’s good to see you back,” Hermione said. “You had us really scared. I’d never seen anything like that before.”

“Katie, are you going to introduce us?” a brunette woman behind her asked.

“Oh, sorry,” Katie said. “Mum, this is Harry, Hermione, and Susan. Guys, this is my mum, Amanda.”

“I recognize those names,” Amanda smiled. “It’s nice to finally meet you. Especially you, Harry. Katie’s talked about you in almost every letter home since first year.”

“Mum,” Katie whined as Harry flushed.

“I’m Amelia Bones, Susan’s aunt and Head of the DMLE,” Amelia said, holding out her hand for Amanda to shake. “I know Auror Hammer is already working on your case, but if you need anything, just tell Susan or Harry to let me know.”

“Thank you,” Katie said. “I’m sorry I couldn’t tell you more, but I really don’t remember anything after going into the Three Broomsticks.”

“That’s alright,” Amelia assured her. “Maybe it will come back with time, but if it doesn’t, we’ll do everything we can to find out who did this.”

“Do you have any leads?” Amanda asked.

“I’m not personally familiar with the details of her case, but I’ll talk to the lead investigator when I get to the office,” Amelia said.

“Thank you,” Amanda said. “You’re much nicer than the last Auror I talked to.”

“What was their name?” Amelia asked, her eyes narrowing.

“Camden, I think,” Amanda replied.

“I’ll look into it,” Amelia sighed. “This is the second complaint I’ve had about him. Can you tell me exactly what he did?”

“He was just very rude and dismissive about the whole thing,” Amanda said. “I don’t know if he did anything illegal.”

“I don’t think he likes Muggles or Muggleborns,” Katie said.

Amelia sighed, took off her monocle, and cleaned it on her robes.

“I’ll have a talk with him and make sure someone else is assigned to the case,” Amelia said, putting her monocle back in her eye. “Send an owl directly to me if you need anything else.”

“Thank you,” Amanda said, looking very much relieved.

“You’re welcome,” Amelia said. “Well, it looks like I need to get to the office sooner than I thought. You kids have a good term. Make sure to write.”

“I will, Auntie,” Susan said, hugging her tightly.

“Let me know if you plan to bring your friends back to the house for Easter break,” Amelia said.

Just before she turned to leave, she looked at Harry and gave him a smile. Smiling back, he watched her leave sadly as Katie said goodbye to her mother. A moment later, the group headed towards the train.

“Thank your aunt for me when you get a chance, Susan,” Katie said. “My mum was kind of nervous about letting me go back to Hogwarts with everything going on in the wizarding World and what happened to me.”

“I will,” Susan smiled.

“Well, I’m glad you’re coming back,” Harry said. “Hogwarts hasn’t been the same without you there.”

Katie blushed prettily but smiled. Meanwhile, Hermione rolled her eyes, and Susan took his hand in hers.

“So, are you a transfer student?” Katie asked, looking at Tonks.

“Me? Oh, no,” Tonks smiled. “I’m an Auror. Harry attracts so much trouble the Minister felt he needs a twenty-four hour bodyguard.”

Now it was Harry’s turn to roll his eyes while the girls giggled.

“That sound like Harry,” Katie grinned. “Will you be staying in our dorm?”

“I don’t know yet,” Tonks said as they all climbed onto the train. “McGonagall said she’d set something up for me, but I haven’t talked to her yet. I’m Tonks, by the way.”

“Tonks?” Katie asked, quirking an eyebrow.

Harry, Susan, and Hermione smirked.

“It’s her last name,” Harry said. “She doesn’t like her first.”

“If you had my name, you wouldn’t either,” Tonks grumbled.

Grinning, Harry led the girls towards the middle of the train, where he found an empty compartment. Sliding open the door, he helped the girls lift their trunks up to the luggage racks before taking a seat between Susan and Hermione, with Katie and Tonks sitting across from them.

“So, how was your break?” Katie asked.

Harry grinned, “It was great.”

He, Susan, and Hermione all gave her a heavily edited version of their break over the next few minutes. Predictably, just as the whistle blew for the two-minute warning, Harry spotted the Weasleys rushing onto the platform.

“Harry,” Hermione said, getting his attention. “We should tell him.”

“Are you sure?” Harry asked.

Hermione bit her lip and nodded.

“I know it might upset him, but he’ll be a lot angrier if he finds out we kept it from him,” she told him.

“He doesn’t have anything to be angry about,” Harry said firmly. “Especially not with the way he’s been acting this year.”

“I know that, but you know how Ron is,” Hermione said.

“Hold on a second, are you two…,” Tonks trailed off, then looked over at Susan. “But I thought…”

“We’re still dating,” Susan said, taking Harry’s hand in hers with a smile. “Hermione’s just – dating us too, now.”

“You can do that?” Katie asked.

Hermione blushed while Harry smiled and Susan giggled.

“It’s not terribly uncommon in the Wizarding World,” Tonks told her.

“Really?” Katie asked.

Before Tonks could answer, the door to the compartment slid open, and Ron walked in.

“Hey guys,” He said, stowing his trunk and taking a seat next to Tonks. “What are you doing here?”

“Scrimgeour thinks Harry needs a bodyguard at Hogwarts,” Tonks shrugged.

“Oh,” Ron said.

“Ron, there’s something we need to tell you,” Hermione said.

Before she could continue, the door slid open again, and Hannah poked her head inside shyly.

“Oh, sorry,” she said. “I guess you’re full. I’ll just-”

“Hannah, wait,” Susan said. “Come on in. Here, you can take my seat.”

“Where are you going to sit?” Hannah asked.

Smiling, Susan stood up, shifted to the right, and plopped herself down in Harry’s lap. Snorting in laughter, Harry wrapped his arms around her waist. Flicking her wand, Tonks levitated Hannah’s trunk up to the luggage rack. Blushing lightly, Hannah slipped into the seat next to Harry. Nervously, Hermione glanced up questioningly at Susan, who shrugged her shoulders.

“Anyways,” Hermione said, then hesitated nervously. “I’m dating Harry and Susan.”

Tonks snorted at her blurted confession while Ron blinked and stared. After a moment, he smiled.

“Very funny,” he said.

“I’m being serious,” Hermione said, crossing her arms and glaring at him.

“Uh huh, sure,” Ron said sarcastically.

Huffing, Hermione turned to Harry, grabbed his head, and then pulled him in for a heated kiss. Harry froze for a moment in surprise as Susan, Katie, and Tonks giggled. When they parted, Harry looked over to see Ron staring at them, his mouth open.

“When the bloody hell did this happen?” he asked demandingly.

“Over break,” Hermione said. “McLaggen tried to potion me during Slughorn’s party, so I ended up staying at Susan’s for the rest of the break. One thing led to another, and – well, Susan invited me to date her and Harry, and I said yes.”


Once again, the door to the compartment slid open.

“Won Won!” Lavender squealed.

Ron blushed, the tips of his ears practically glowing.

“Why don’t you come sit with Parvati and me,” Lavender said. “It’s been so long since I’ve seen you.”

“Erm, sure,” Ron said.

Without another word, he stood up and left the compartment. As Lavender closed the door with a smirk at Hermione, he looked back at her briefly before being dragged away.

“Well, that went better than I thought it would,” Hermione said.

Tonks snorted, “If you say so.”

With Ron’s seat now free, Hannah stood up and moved to the other bench. Smiling but with a blush, Susan slid off of Harry’s lap and into her original seat.

“So, you’re dating Harry and Hermione?” Hannah asked.

“Yeah,” Susan said, her eyes darting over to Tonks, who gave her a wink. “I’ll explain it to you tonight in the dorm.”

“Alright,” Hannah said, biting her lip. “As long as you’re happy.”

“Very,” Susan grinned.

“Hey, Katie,” Harry said at a lull in the conversation. “Will you be rejoining the Quidditch team?”

“Boys!” Hermione huffed, throwing up her arms. “She just got out of hospital!”

Katie giggled, “In case you’ve forgotten, I’m a bigger Quidditch freak than Harry. Yes, I’ll be back on the team.”

Shaking her head, Hermione pulled a book out of her bag and started reading. Smiling, Harry pulled her against his side as he continued his conversation with Katie.

During the ride to Hogwarts, Angelina and Alicia stopped by to welcome Katie back while Hermione was out on her prefect’s rounds. When she came back, she was furious at Ron for not even showing up to the meeting. Apparently, he had been too busy snogging with Lavender to be bothered.

Once she’d calmed down, they relaxed for the rest of the train ride and got out at Hogsmeade station. After a ride on the Thestral drawn carriages with Neville and Luna, they walked up to the front door of the school.

“Auror Tonks,” Professor McGonagall called out as soon as they entered.

“Wotcher, McG,” Tonks replied with a cheery wave.

A group of first years passing by gaped at the way she greeted their notoriously stern professor.

“I’ve spoken with the headmaster,” Professor McGonagall continued. “He’s offered to let you and Mr. Potter stay in the vacant Gryffindor head’s suite if that’s acceptable.”

“I won’t be staying in the dorm?” Harry asked, an eyebrow raised in surprise.

“Only if you wish not to,” McGonagall told him. “You’ll still be in the Gryffindor Tower, but with the dangers you’ve faced in this school, Professor Dumbledore thought you might appreciate a place to relax in peace.”

“That’ll be fine,” Tonks smiled.

Knowing what she had in mind, Harry smiled and nodded. In his mind, he was already thinking of ways to sneak Hermione and Susan into their room.

“I’ll have the Elves prepare your room,” McGonagall said, before looking over at Katie. “It’s good to see you back, Ms. Bell.”

“Thanks, professor,” Katie smiled.

As Professor McGonagall turned to enter the Great Hall, Tonks turned back to Harry and winked.

“Tonks, are you going to sit with us or at the Head Table?” Hermione asked.

“I don’t know,” Tonks shrugged. “I’ll probably sit with you guys most of the time. Probably be more fun than sitting with the professors. I’d like to catch up with Aurora sometime soon, though. I haven’t seen her much since she started working here.”

“You know Professor Sinistra?” Hermione asked.

“Of course,” Tonks said. “We were in the same year at Hogwarts and good friends.”

“Really?” Katie asked. “I knew she was young, but I didn’t think she was that young.”

“Aw, thanks,” Tonks grinned.

Nearing the Gryffindor table, Harry pulled Susan close and gave her a kiss goodbye before she left for the Hufflepuff table. As they sat down, Tonks, predictably, got quite a few curious looks. Looking around, Harry spotted Ron sitting further down the table next to Lavender, Parvati, and a couple of other girls. He knew it was cruel, but he couldn’t help but smile at the bored, disgruntled look on his face.

“Welcome back,” Dumbledore said from the podium, drawing the attention of the entire hall. “I know all of you must be hungry, so I shall be brief. As I’m sure many of you have noticed, there is a new face among us. Auror Nymphadora Tonks has been sent by the Ministry to help protect the castle. As such, she will be keeping a close watch on Mr. Potter, who has a knack for attracting dangerous creatures and wizards.”

Harry smiled and shrugged as everyone turned to him with a chuckle.

“He had to use my bloody first name,” Tonks grumbled.

“Auror Tonks will be staying in Gryffindor Tower and patrolling the halls for the rest of the year,” Dumbledore continued. “While she is here to protect the castle, I am giving her all the powers of a professor, so I suggest you treat her with the respect her position deserves. If any of you see something suspicious, please report it to a professor or Auror Tonks immediately. Now, tuck in!”

With a wave of his hand, the empty, golden plates were suddenly laden with food.

“Do you think he’d kick me out if I turned his beard pink?” Tonks asked.

“It’s only a name,” Hermione told her.

“Easy for you to say,” Tonks grumbled.

“He’d probably just pull out a matching pair of robes and call it a fashion statement, anyways,” Harry smirked.

Tonks snorted in an unladylike fashion as she piled food on her plate.


Later, in the common room, it became obvious that Ron was avoiding Harry and Hermione. He sat with Lavender and Parvati, despite how bored he looked, and went to bed early. Hermione decided to ignore him and check over her homework one last time.

“He’ll come around eventually,” she told him. “He always does.”

Harry had hoped Hermione would join him and Tonks in their new room for the night, but she was too anxious for classes in the morning, so she went to bed shortly after Ron. Meanwhile, Tonks and Katie struck up a fast friendship through a mutual love of the Weird Sisters and the Hollyhead Harpies.

“Hey, Harry, do you want to go check out our new room?” Tonks asked once the common room was mostly emptied.

“Sure,” Harry shrugged.

“Well, I guess I’ll head to bed,” Katie said, standing up and stretching her arms over her head.

With her white jumper pulled tight over her breasts, Harry couldn’t stop himself from glancing down at her chest.

“You can come with us,” Tonks offered.

“Um, if it’s alright with you,” Katie said.

“I don’t mind,” Harry said as both girls turned to look at him.

“Right, let’s go,” Tonks grinned.

Harry and Katie followed her as she led them towards the portrait hole. Just to the left of the exit of the common room sat another portrait of a young woman. In all of his time at Hogwarts, he’d never heard that portrait speak before, a rarity among paintings.

“Persevere,” Tonks said.

Smiling, the young woman nodded as the portrait clicked and swung open. Stepping inside, they found a small common room with two couches, a coffee table, and a fireplace. On the left, right, and back walls sat open doors. The doors on the left and right sat open, revealing bedrooms with four-poster beds, wardrobes, and study desks. When Tonks opened the door along the back wall, they found a bathroom with two sinks and doors leading to each of the bedrooms.

“Nice,” Tonks said, smiling at the room.

“I had no idea this was even here,” Katie said.

“Most people don’t,” Harry said. “I’m more curious about how Tonks knows about it.”

“I dated the Head Girl my seventh year,” Tonks said, smiling salaciously as she pointed to the bedroom on the left. “I spent a lot of time in that bed.”

Walking up to Harry, her hips swaying, Tonks wrapped her arms around his neck.

“You mind helping me break it in?” she asked.

“Harry!” Katie gasped. “You are such a man whore!”

“I am not,” Harry said while the girls laughed at him.

“You really are,” Tonks giggled. “It’s alright, though. We love you for it.”

Threading her fingers through his hair, she pulled him down for a kiss. When they broke apart a few seconds later, Tonks grinned, took his hand, and started pulling him towards the bedroom before looking over her shoulder at Katie.

“You coming?” she asked.

Katie smiled and started after them, closing the door to the bedroom after she entered. Tonks pushed Harry onto the bed, unbuckled his belt, and then pulled off his trousers and boxers in one swift yank. Loosening his tie, Harry sat up and pulled off his shirt while Tonks knelt between his legs and took his length in her hand. Smiling, Katie knelt down next to her and leaned forward to kiss his tip. She and Tonks giggled when he visibly pulsed, rapidly hardening in her hand.

“Why am I the only one naked?” Harry asked.

“Because you’re a slut,” Tonks said, causing her and Katie to laugh.

Harry rolled his eyes and smiled as Katie unbuttoned her shirt and unclasped her bra. Unconsciously, he licked his lips as her perky, tear drop shaped breasts bounced into view. Letting go of Harry’s now rigid length, Tonks turned and cupped one of her breasts. Katie moaned, and Harry started stroking himself as the two leaned forward to kiss.

Tugging at Tonks’ shirt, Katie broke their kiss just long enough to pull it over her head before they kissed again. Tonks slipped off her bra and tossed it across the room, her breasts a full cup size larger at the moment, rubbed against Katie’s as they pressed themselves together.

“That’s so hot,” Harry said.

Pulling back from each other, Katie and Tonks giggled before turning their attention back to him. Reaching out, Katie pushed his hand out of the way to wrap her fingers around his thick shaft. With a grin, Tonks leaned forward, took one of his balls between her lips, and sucked. Harry groaned, his hand reaching out to run through her short, spiky purple hair.

Katie giggled before running her tongue from base to tip. Wrapping her lips around his head, she started bobbing, taking just over half of his length. Tonks moved up and started licking at the part of his shaft Katie’s lips couldn’t reach. Her tongue, which he felt certain she elongated, wrapped completely around his girth. Kissing the side of his shaft with her head turned to the side, Tonks moved up and down his length.

Her timing was a bit off, which resulted in the girls’ lips meeting every couple of times Katie bobbed on his length. Grunting, Harry rested a hand on each of their heads and groaned.

In a shockingly synchronized move, the two switched positions, Tonks bobbing on his length while Katie lapped and kissed at the side of his shaft. Of course, unlike Katie, Tonks didn’t have any problem taking him to the root.

“Whoa,” Katie gasped, pulling her head back when Tonks swallowed him whole. “How the hell do you do that?”

Slowly, Tonks pulled all the way back up to his tip, coming off with an audible pop.

“I can get rid of my gag reflex,” Tonks grinned.

“Cheating slut,” Katie grumble playfully.

Reaching up, Tonks gave one of Katie’s nipples a pinch. With a squeal, Katie jumped before the both of them broke into giggles.

“So, you want to go first?” Tonks asked.

“Please,” Katie said. “It’s been so long since I’ve had a good shag.

Tonks waved her arms, and Katie grinned as she climbed onto the bed. Sitting up, Harry kissed her tenderly before pushing her onto her back, rolling over, and climbing to his feet. As Harry stripped Katie of her skirt, Tonks undressed herself and climbed onto the bed next to her. Giving her a kiss, Tonks straddled the brunette’s head just as Harry lined himself up with her entrance. Slowly sinking in, Katie moaned into Tonks’ mound, causing her to moan as well. Taking a moment to luxuriate in the feel of her clutching depths, Harry paused before easing back and thrusting back in. Reaching up, he cupped both of her amazing breasts as he settled into a steady rhythm.

“Ooh, someone’s had practice at this,” Tonks grinned.

Harry couldn’t see Katie’s face since it was blocked by Tonks’ body, but she reached back and smacked her bum lightly. Smirking, Tonks reached down and pinched one of Katie’s nipples. Katie moaned, her walls fluttering around Harry’s thrusting cock. He grunted, grabbing her hips and thrusting harder.

His thighs clapped against Katie’s bum, but after the teasing with their mouths, Harry found himself getting close. As wonderful as it felt, he forced himself to slow down so he didn’t finish too soon. Under him, Katie groaned.

“Don’t stop,” she panted before returning her tongue to Tonks’ folds.

“Give me a second. I’m too close,” Harry said.

Tonks reached down and pushed his arms out of the way.

“I’ll help,” she smirked.

Bending over, Tonks stuck out her tongue and teased it along Katie’s clit. Katie moaned wantonly, her depths spasming around his length.

“Fuck,” Harry groaned.

With Tonks’ hot breath washing over the exposed part of his shaft, Harry began thrusting again. Grinning, Tonks rolled her hips and then spit on his cock as he pulled out.

“Give it to her, Harry,” Tonks panted. “Fill that tight little pussy.”

Harry’s cock jerked excitedly, drawing another loud moan from Katie. Gripping her hips tightly, he slammed into her roughly, the slap of their bodies colliding echoing around the room. Pushing herself up on one arm, Tonks replaced her tongue with her fingers just above Katie’s clit and shook it back and forth frantically.

Katie let out a series of short, muffled grunts before screaming as her depths squeezed his length. Tonks was nearly bucked off of her when Katie arched her back and drenched his waist with a gush of arousal.

Groaning, Harry buried himself as deeply as possible and flooded her depths even as they tried to squeeze the life out of him. His cock jerked several times, each time sending another jet of cum rocketing into her core. Completely giving up on the idea of trying to pleasure Tonks, Katie dropped her head back onto the mattress.

Grinning, Tonks pushed on Harry’s stomach, forcing him out of Katie. As soon as he was free, she pulled him forward again, her lips wrapping around the base of his wilting length. Harry gasped, his legs trembling as she sucked hard. It was nearly too much for his overly sensitive tip, and for a moment, he thought he was going to cum again.

“Bloody hell, Tonks,” Harry said before hissing, his hands clutching at her hair.

She chuckled around him, eyes locked on his as she bobbed her head and swirled her tongue until he was hard again. Pulling off of him with one last hard suck, Tonks spun around and laid on top of Katie as her legs dangled over the edge of the bed. While Harry tried to catch his breath for a moment, she wiggled her bum at him.

Smiling and shaking his head, he gave one of her cheeks a playful swat.

“If you keep shaking that at me, I might actually fuck it,” Harry teased.

Looking over her shoulder at him, Tonks grinned and kept shaking her bum.

“Mmh, go ahead,” she told him.

Raising an eyebrow, Harry stepped forward and grabbed her cheeks. Spreading them open, he ran his thumb across her puckered hole. Tonks closed her eyes and moaned while Katie groped and kissed her breasts.

“Seriously?” Harry asked.

Biting her lip, Tonks nodded at him.

“I’ve been curious about it since Amy told me about it,” she said.

Harry grinned, remembering his time with Amelia. Running his thumb along Tonks’ dripping folds to get it wet, he brought it back up to her puckered hole on pressed it in. Tonk gasped and then moaned long and low. Grabbing Katie by the hair, she pulled her head away from her breasts and kissed her passionately.

The girls continued snogging heavily while Harry spent the next few minutes fingering Tonks to loosen her up. Even though she was a Metamorphmagus, he didn’t want to risk hurting her by going too fast. This was something he definitely wanted her to enjoy, so they could do it again.

When he was certain she was ready, he pulled his fingers out of her and grabbed his cock. Lining himself up with her entrance, he thrust into her folds first to get his length wet. After just a few thrusts, he pulled back out and lined himself up with her puckered hole.

“Ready?” Harry asked, rubbing her back.

Breaking her kiss with Katie, Tonks looked over her shoulder and nodded. Pressing the head of his cock against her tight hole, Harry pushed forward hard. It took quite a bit of force for her ring to give way and let him in. When it did, Tonks gasped loudly, her mouth hanging open.

“Wow,” Katie breathed. “Is he really in your bum?”

She craned her next, trying to look over Tonks’ shoulder.

“Oh, he’s in,” Tonks panted. “Bloody hell.”

“Does it hurt?” Katie asked curiously.

“Not really,” Tonks said, wiggling her hips. “I just feel really, really full.”

“You’re not full yet,” Harry smirked. “That’s just the tip.”

Flexing his hips, Harry carefully eased another inch of his length into her smoldering depths. Tonks gasped again, her cheeks flexing when he stopped and sandwiching his length.

“Oh,” she gasped. “That actually feels kinda good.”

Smiling, Harry started rocking his hips back and forth. Gradually, he sank deeper and deeper. Once half of his length was buried in her bum, Tonks began moaning much more.

“Okay, that’s starting to feel really good,” she panted. “You can go a little faster.”

Following her request, Harry gripped her hips and started thrusting harder. Her legs trembled as he sank deeper with each back and forth movement of his hips. When his thighs finally connected with her bum, she came instantly. A shuddering moan left her lips as she clenched around him so hard he couldn’t move.

“Fuck,” Harry grunted from her tightness.

Katie giggled and stroked Tonks’ hair as her head rested on her chest.

“Huh, looks like I might have to try that,” she said.

Tonks groaned when Harry lurched excitedly inside of her. When she finally relaxed a few moments later, he started thrusting again. Unfortunately, he was no longer as wet as he needed to be. Pulling out of her, he watched as her crinkled hole gaped open before slowly closing back up. Giving her bum a gentle caress, he bent down and pulled his wand out of his pants.

With a quick Lubrication Charm, he lined back up with her shrinking entrance and sank back into her. With the newly added lube, it felt even better than before. Tonks must’ve thought so, too, because she moaned and bucked back against him.

“So, Hermione knows about this, right?” Katie asked, her hand absentmindedly caressing Tonks’ back.

“Well, not exactly what we’re doing now, but she knows I sleep with other women,” Harry said.

“Do you think she could join us sometime?” Katie asked.

Looking up from his cock thrusting between Tonks’ round cheeks, he looked at her curiously.

“I think she’s cute,” Katie shrugged, her cheeks flushing slightly.

“I’m sure I can talk her into it,” Harry grinned.

“Less talking, more fucking,” Tonks mumbled.

Snorting, Harry gripped her cheeks roughly and spread her open to watch his length saw in and out of her. As she moaned, he started thrusting harder and harder, his hips slapping against her thighs. Trembling, Tonks clutched at Katie desperately as her body rocked back and forth from the force of his thrusts.

“Oh, Merlin. I’m going to cum again,” Tonks gasped.

“Me too,” Harry panted.

Slamming his cock into her, Harry let go of her bum to grab her hips for better leverage. Without his hands holding her cheeks in place, they rippled alluringly from the impact of his hips.

Body tensing, Tonks trembled as she neared her growing climax. Harry held out as long as he could, but he just couldn’t make her tip over the edge. Finally, he just let loose, erupting in her depths. He didn’t know if it was the swelling of his cock, of the feel of his climax, but his orgasm triggered Tonks’. With a scream that startled him, she came harder than he had ever seen before.

Katie gasped at Tonks as she shook, her eyes rolling into the back of her head. As harry filled her depths, her incredible tightness and constant spasming milked more out of him than he thought possible. Long after his own climax ended, Tonks continued to moan and shudder until she finally collapsed into a panting heap on top of Katie.

“Okay, I really need to try that,” Katie said.


The next morning, Tonks limped her way down to the Great hall with Harry, a small smile stuck on her face. Behind them, Hermione and Tonks whispered to each other quietly. From the looks Hermione was giving him, he was sure they were talking about last night.

As soon as they entered the Great Hall, Susan jumped up from the Hufflepuff table and met them at the end of the Gryffindor table.

“How is your new room?” she asked.

“Great,” Harry smiled. “I’ll give you my cloak after dinner so you can sneak in.”

Smiling, Susan kissed him lovingly before glancing curiously over at Tonks as she shifted uncomfortably.

“You okay, Tonks?” she asked.

“Oh, I’m great,” Tonks smiled, then leaned forward and lowered her voice. “Harry gave me a right good buggering last night.”

Hermione, who had just taken a sip of pumpkin juice, snorted into her cup.

Tonks smirked before she turned serious as she looked over Harry’s shoulder.

“Draco’s not looking too good,” she said.

Glancing back, Harry spotted Malfoy as he took a seat next to Pansy. He looked paler than normal, which was saying something, and his eyes were red with dark bags hanging under them.

“We need to find out what he’s up to,” Harry said determinedly.

“You think he’s up to something?” Katie asked.

Cursing in his mind, he glanced between Susan, Tonks, and Hermione questioningly. When all he got was blank looks and shrugs, he sighed and turned to her.

“We’re pretty sure he’s a Death Eater,” Harry told her quietly. “I – well, I think he’s the one that gave you that cursed necklace.”

“What?” Katie asked, her eyes going wide. “Wait, wasn’t he in detention when it happened?”

“We don’t have any answers yet,” Tonks interrupted before Harry could reply. “But, I will say that Harry’s gut is usually pretty good about this sort of thing.”

Katie looked between her and Harry a couple of times before a look of resolve came over her face.

“How can I help?” she asked.

“All we can do now is keep an eye out for anything suspicious,” Tonks told her. “Harry, do you have your map on you?”

“Yeah,” Harry said.

Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out the Marauder’s Map and handed it to her.

“I’ll keep an eye on this while you’re in class,” she said, slipping it into her robes. “If he’s under as much pressure as it looks like, he’ll probably want to work on whatever he has planned as soon as possible.”

Nodding, Harry glanced back over at the Slytherin table once more before returning to his breakfast. Unfortunately, they wouldn’t be able to do anything until Malfoy made a move.



Really great to see this one updated. Great chapter!


I keep forgetting how much I like this story.