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So, I just lost a nearly completed chapter of Thrown Back that I've spent the last two days writing. On top of me still being sick and my mother just getting out of the hospital where she was on a ventilator for two days because of the same illness I have, my internet has been down all afternoon from a fallen tree limb down the road. Since nothing that I've written today was saved automatically like it usually is, I lost everything I spent the last few hours writing thanks to a momentary loss of power that restarted my computer. I'm re-writing everything as fast as I can, and hope to have it up tomorrow. I know stories have been slow this month, and I'm doing everything I can to put out more content to make up for that. I really appreciate everyone's patience and understanding. 



No sweat mate, take your time. Spend some time recuperating and looking after your mother. As patrons we’re all here because we enjoy your works and want to support you so don’t feel obligated to burn yourself out for us as it doesn’t benefit anyone. Wishing you a speedy recovery for you and your mother, from London, England.


take care of you we can wait


Echoing everyone here! We all love you and your art, take care of yourself and family and don't stress out!


Feel better


Take care of yourself first.

Zitronen tee

The joys of an electric grid older than your grandparents, I can relate. And maintenance costs money, so let's not do that.

Kant B. Write

No problem, sometimes life happens and you just have to deal with the important stuff before you can get to the other stuff


Do what you need to for your family and yourself. We understand, especially at this time of the year and with the circumstances!


Think of it this way the universe is enforcing you to do the Taika Waititi script writing approach to the chapter where he writes it put's it away for a while and then reads it quick throws it out and rewrites it later. all kidding aside hope you and your mum bounce back quick and easy.


Shit happens man. Thanks for keeping on going. Hope everything gets better for you and your mom.