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Sorry for the delay in a new post, but I've been violently ill for the past two days. Today is the first day I've had the energy to drag myself to the computer. I'm halfway through the 5th and final chapter of The Concubine's Curse, and hopefully I'll be well enough to finish it in the next couple of days. I hope all of you are doing better than I am at the moment, and I'll make a post as soon as I'm feeling better. 



Get some rest and get well soon.

Evan Bagshaw

Take your time we’re in no rush get yourself alright first


Get well soon but don't force yourself to work while you are sick. The only thing you should do while being sick is resting.


Health is the first wealth. Nurture yours.


Hope you feel better soon

Nova Sana

Take care and get well soon!

Lettered Wolf

Hope you get well soon! I read the post title as "I have the Fleur" at first and was intrigued what story that was. Hope that makes you laugh.


I hope you have a smooth recovery!


Take your time and get rested up man! I love your stories, but your health has to take priority. Get to feeling better!