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So, I've got some ideas for what tasks to use in Falling For Fleur, but I'm interested to see what you guys can come up with. No promises that I'll use them, but if you have ideas, feel free to leave them in the comments. I plan to have tasks that are less deadly and more a demonstration of skill than canon, but don't limit yourselves based on that. Go wild. Have fun!



Hmmm... I don't know if it would really fit with the setup you have, but putting the Champions up against copies of famous nonmagical movie monsters could be fun. Really test their adaptability by tying the thing they need to do to the monster's mythos. Something like playing hide and go seek with a Xenomorph or having to safeguard a simulacrum while the Terminator comes after you. This being all holograms and mirrors essentially for safety, of course.


Make one the Most boring and dusty random Magic facts quizz Show ever


Maybe some sort of magical obstacle course? That would be relatively safe, but can easily be scaled with varying challenges to test all aspects of a wizards knowledge and skill.


Something like retrieving an egg, but something that requires thought. There is box/something that is on a platform hovering above a pit and surrounded by a waterfall. Summoning the thing will send it tumbling into a pit & reset the puzzle. Multiple options to solve it.

King hand axe

An escape room type deal one room for each constestant , 6 keys are in puzzles or traps in the room and the must stay standing in a circle in the room, only Magic to retrieve them. Points for each key, and extra if you get all 6 and escape. A challenge not of death or nerve but of control, ingenuity and knowledge. A key in the centre of a maze, needs to transfigure a animal, key weights a lot so choice of animal is important, ability to control it and make it do the maze (Harry has a massive advantage in this) Key in a tank of water that is shaped into tubes like a hamster cage, need to WL spell to lift the key out without touching the glass otherwise it'll shatter and the key lost. Heat a potion to the correct temp for x amount of time to release the key from inside Could use a heat spell direct on the Coldron but very risky and would heat it way to quickly only on one spot, so how could they use what else in the room to help provide steady heat (bowl with water, put coldron in water and use heat spell on water that heats up evenly) A runic puzzle with sliding pieces, slide the wrong piece, goes boom, make the wrong sequence, goes boom, is there a way to get around the puzzle if you don't understand runes?, and if so how much slower?. Care of magical creatures, magical plants, astronomy, all have easy ways to make difficult challenges The higher knowledge or spells will likely do the puzzles faster but there are always ways around the system

James Trammell

Maybe some kind of capture the flag broom race.

Matthew Williams

A duelling tournament between Champions. Round Robin double elimination style. There's a catch though: They're only allowed to use elemental spells from a single element, which is determined by pulling it from a bag before each match.


Blatantly stealing from Harry Potter and the Rune Stone Path: I'd love to see your take on the Aspect Pillars. The Aspect Pillars were runic constructs that create doppelgangers of the champions based on their worst fears. Rune Stone Path had a "Percy" version of Fred, lazy fat sack of flesh Krum, Evil Overlord Harry, and a "Queen Bee" Fleur that abandoned her humanity in favor of enthralling everyone around her with her allure. Since the pillars are based on the individual's fears, the difficulty was radically different for each champion.


I like the concept of it being a duel tournament with restrictions perhaps not only one element or something but very nice idea. ooo what if the first portion of it is 2v2 round robin pairings...wait....I forget are there 4 champions in this one or 3...


and a very good way to test their mental fortitude and test them in more than just "your good and attacking" fun inspiration.


I have a couple of ideas percolating but might want to use a couple so here's one that's fun but not hard to do differently depending on the author. Unlike the get buy magical beast, attack this or that perhaps something of a academic gauntlet. Brewing an extra difficult potion, answer these complicated questions, counter theses rapid fired charms/hexes, subdue this magical creature, break past this ward kind of thing. a whole bunch of fun twist could be added in.

damien girard

The cave of wonders from alladin. They are giving a clue of what they need to find and are warned not to touch anything but the object they need or face dire consequences


Combating different illusions would be cool to see. Something like the Mirror of Erised, just more immersive, so that you really think you live in the moment that makes you the happiest. Confusing the senses, like the mist from the labyrinth in the books that switched up and down could fit too. Maybe a boggart for good measure.

Michał W

Arena filled with golden keys, they get points based on how many keys they manage to capture during a specific time. They all start at the same time and can prevent each other from gathering them, but non lethaly. Oh did I forgot to mention that arena is full of nifflers that also want those keys and aren't willing to give them back? Gives a chance for some humour and nice bit of chaos. Like Cedric never realising that his belt buckle is reaaally shiny and losing it while trying to catch a niffler (also losing pants). Krum being forced to fight without his wand, because of a niffler trying to steal a watch from his wand hand and accidentaly taking his wand at the same time. Few nifflers realising that Fleurs hair is really shiny and chasing her around. Harry losing his glasses.