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Chapter 4

Harry winced as the healer fixed his cracked ribs and watched as dozens of Aurors and officials ran around the Atrium. When the elevator had crashed, it had hit with enough force to blow open the doors to the elevator shaft and send out a plume of dust and debris. Within minutes, the place was filled with Ministry workers, curious onlookers, and reporters. Markus Delacour had come down immediately to take charge of the situation and check on Harry. The attendant that had attacked him was still unconscious, and two menacing looking Aurors stood guard while the healers checked him over.

Just as Harry was finishing up with the healers and giving his account to the Aurors, Hermione, Tonks, and Bella pushed their way through the crowd.

“Harry!” his wife exclaimed in a combination of worry and relief. “Are you alright? What happened?”

“Someone Imperiused the elevator attendant to try and kill me,” Harry explained with a sigh as she hugged him gently.

All three of them blinked at him before sharing a look. He knew they were all thinking the same thing. They knew what they were doing could be dangerous, but none of them had expected such a brazen attack. Someone really did not want them poking around.

“Has the attendant said anything yet?” Bella asked.

Harry shook his head, “He’s still unconscious, but I doubt he’ll know anything anyways.”

“So, it could have been literally anyone, great,” Tonks said sarcastically.

“We don’t know that yet,” Hermione reasoned. “Maybe we’ll get lucky, and he saw something.”

“We weel interview ‘im as soon as ‘e wakes up,” Markus assured the group, approaching them. “I’ll let you know eef we find anyzhing. Why don’t you take ‘Arry ‘ome and get some rest?”

“That’s a good idea,” said Hermione before Harry could speak, her look telling him not to argue. “Did he get a chance to tell you what we found?”

“Oui,” he nodded, then leaned forward to whisper. “I weel send zhe warrant once zhe judge signs eet.”

“Can’t you just authorize us to search it like the club?” Tonks asked.

“Non, not unless you ‘ave proof Veela are being ‘eld zhere,” Markus replied. “I weel send someone I trust to watch eet until we get zhe warrant.”

While Harry would have preferred to go immediately to get some measure of payback, he nodded in understanding.

“Thanks, Markus,” he said.

After shaking hands, he let Hermione guide him to the Floo while Tonks and Bella cleared a path through the crowd. His wand hand twitched as several cameras flashed, still jumpy from the attack.

It was a relief to step out of the Floo back at the Veela Enclave. Apolline was waiting for them when they arrived and pulled Harry into a hug as soon as he stepped out of the fireplace.

“I’m so glad you’re alright,” she said softly.

Harry smiled, grateful for her concern as he hugged her back while trying to ignore the feeling of her soft curves pressed against him. Apolline smiled at him as she pulled back and looked him over.

“Are you ‘urt?” she asked.

“Just some bumps and bruises,” Harry said with a shrug.

Nodding, she flicked her wand and summoned a short, fat jar full of a white cream from the bathroom.

“Veela Cream,” Apolline explained as she handed it to Hermione, “eet weel ‘elp wiz zhe bruises.”

“Thank you,” Hermione said. “Come on, Harry. Let’s get you patched up.”

Rolling his eyes, he let her drag him upstairs to their bedroom. Tonks and Bella followed, closing the door behind them.

“Sorry about pulling you away from the spa,” Harry said.

“It’s not your fault,” said Tonks, waving off his apology.

“We can always go back later,” Bella said. “And we did get to relax there for a couple of hours.”

“The sauna was great,” Hermione added wistfully before turning to Harry. “Strip.”

Harry raised an eyebrow at her then glanced at Tonks and Bella pointedly. Tonks smirked and crossed her arms while Hermione rolled her eyes.

“I meant down to your boxers,” she told him. “Besides, they’ve already seen us in much worse positions.”

“I wouldn’t call them worse,” Tonks smirked teasingly, causing Hermione’s cheeks to go pink.

Harry snorted and shook his head before unbuttoning his shirt. The smiles on the girls’ faces vanished when they spotted the massive, yellowing bruises on the right side of his ribcage and his left shoulder.

“It’s been so long since anything like this has happened, I'd forgotten how much I hate seeing you get hurt,” Hermione said.

“I’m fine, love,” he assured her.

Stepping out of his pants, he walked over and hugged her tightly.

“I still don’t like it,” she muttered against his chest, and then kissed him briefly. “Go lay on the bed.”

As Harry did as he was told, Hermione walked over to Tonks and Bella, where they had a quick, whispered conversation. Bella hugged Hermione, while Tonks smiled brightly. The three of them walked to the foot of the bed and then, to his utter shock, they stripped off their shirts, bras, and pants. Harry swallowed thickly as he looked from one to the next. Of course, he’d seen Hermione naked regularly over the years they’d been married, and he got a good look at Tonks the night before at the club. It was, however, his first time seeing Bella in any state of undress.

Bella’s bronze colored skin stood out compared to Tonks and his wife, who were both rather pale. She had a tight, athletic body with high, firm breasts, just slightly smaller than his wife’s, and capped with reddish brown, pointed nipples. Seeing the smirk on her face, Harry realized he was staring and quickly looked to Hermione. At his worried look, she smiled and crawled up on the bed and hovered over him on her hands and knees.

“You can look, and you can touch, just no sex for tonight,” she said, biting her lips.

“Hermione?” Harry asked.

“Well, I did promise them a show,” she said with a nervous smile. “And I have to admit, I’ve been curious lately.”

Harry stared up at her, their years of close friendship and marriage making it easy for him to read her thoughts. She wanted this but was too nervous and too shy to talk about it. Smiling, he stroked her cheek lovingly.

“I love you,” he said.

“I love you, too,” Hermione replied before pressing her lips to his gently.

Smiling mischievously, she climbed off of him and picked up the jar of Veela Cream Apolline had given her.

“Can you two put this on him?” she asked Bella and Tonks, then ran her hand lightly over the prominent bulge in his boxers. “It looks like Harry has some swelling I need to take care of.”

Tonks laughed loudly at the terrible joke while Bella took the jar. Both of them climbed up onto the bed, predatory looks on their faces as they stretched out next to him. Meanwhile, Hermione pulled off his boxers and freed his straining erection.

“You are so fucking lucky,” said Tonks, staring at his cock while rubbing cream gently into his ribs.

“I know,” Hermione replied with a smirk.

As Harry’s wife bent down to wrap her lips around the head of his cock, Bella finished treating his shoulder and pressed herself against him. Her breasts rubbed against his arm while she used her hand to tilt his chin towards her and captured his lips heatedly. Harry wrapped his arm around her, his hand caressing her smooth, bare back. The moment they separated, Tonks grabbed his cheeks and kissed him hungrily, her larger, softer breasts squashing against his side and chest. All the while, Hermione continued bobbing on his length, her eyes gazing up at her husband and the two women he was kissing.

Harry broke his kiss with Tonks and groaned when Hermione drove his throbbing length deep into her throat.

“Oh, bloody hell,” he said. “What did I do to deserve this?”

Hermione was forced to pull her mouth off of his cock as she and the other girls laughed.

“Quite a lot actually,” Hermione said with a smile.

Slipping off her panties, she straddled his waist and ground her damp slit along his rigid length. Taking Hermione’s cue, Tonks and Bella both removed their panties as well. Rather demandingly, Tonks grabbed his hand and pressed it against her folds. Chuckling, Harry sank two fingers into her, his palm rubbing against her swollen clit.

“Oh fuck, yes,” Tonks hissed, bucking her hips.

While Tonks was desperate for an orgasm, Bella simply clung to his side, her hands rubbing his chest and abs while she kissed him languidly. Harry’s free hand roamed over her body, moving across her firm breast, down her tight abs, and past her hip to caress her small, perky bum. He worried about how Hermione would take his attention being directed away from her, but the way she rolled her hips and ground her dripping slit along his length told him she was just as excited as he was.

Lifting herself up, Hermione placed the purple, engorged head of his cock against her tight entrance. She teased herself for a moment before slowly lowering herself down on his thick shaft. A long, low moan left her lips as he felt her walls stretch to accommodate his size. Even after three kids, it still amazed him how tight she felt.

Tonks shuddered, her arousal soaking his fingers while her eyes stared at his cock disappearing into Hermione. Bella too turned to watch, then threw her leg over his and ground her mound against his hip. While Harry did his best to split his attention between the women on either side of him, Hermione started bouncing up and down on his cock hard enough to shake the mattress.

Hugging his arm between her large breasts, Tonks bit his shoulder lightly to stifle a squeal when Harry hooked his fingers upwards inside of her. Hitting a particularly sensitive spot, her body shuddered heavily as she drenched his hand.

On his other side, Bella continued to grind against his hip while her hands moved from exploring him, to Hermione. She ran a tanned hand up Hermione’s thigh, over her stomach, and up to her bouncing breasts. His wife panted heavily and moaned as Bella squeezed the jiggling mound and tweaked her stiff red nipple. Harry’s cock throbbed excitedly at the sight, his climax building quickly for everything going on.

He wasn’t the only one. Hermione shuddered and collapsed forward on his chest as she came. With her eyes closed, her pleasured moan turned into a one of surprise when Bella kissed her suddenly. After a moment of shock, Hermione kissed her back. That was enough to push Harry over the edge, his cock pulsing repeatedly as he came.

When the girls broke apart, Hermione blushed heavily and stammered as she looked at a smiling Bella.

“What, did you think I was just attracted to Harry?” Bella asked.

“Well, yes,” Hermione said, biting her lip.

Smirking, Bella pulled Hermione off of Harry and rolled them over until she was on top. Hermione gasped, then moaned as Bella kissed her passionately.

“That’s hot,” Tonks said.

Smiling, Harry grabbed the Metamorphmagus and pulled her on top of him. She let out a squeal as he then rolled her over, pinning her to the bed next to Hermione. Bending down, he kissed her deeply while his renewed erection pressed against her wet folds. Trailing his lips down her neck, he paused to give her fantastic breasts some extra attention.

While Harry kissed, sucked, and licked Tonks’ perfect tits, Bella shifted so that she could grind her mound against Hermione’s thigh. Bella’s own thigh pressed against Hermione, causing the brunette to moan into her mouth and buck her hips.

As the girls humped each other’s legs, Harry made his way down Tonks’ body to her glistening lips. Both of them were entirely too worked up for teasing, so Harry kissed around her hooded clit while plunging two fingers into her sweltering depths. Tonks moaned loudly and arched her back, bucking her hips against his face.

“Oh fuck, I need this,” Tonks gasped.

Using one arm to pin her hips in place, Harry slipped a third finger inside of her and pumped them back and forth vigorously. Tonks panted and gasped as she writhed on the bed. Gripping two handfuls of his hair, she moved his lips directly to her clit and let out a salacious moan.

Next to them, Bella had shifted so she was scissoring with Hermione, their mounds glistening as they rubbed together. While they rolled their hips in rhythm, Bella hugged one of Hermione's legs to her chest, kissing her calf and caressing the smooth skin of her thigh. Hermione’s eyes bounced between staring at Bella’s beautiful bronze colored skin, to watching Tonks writhing vocally on the bed, and back again.

Hooking his fingers upwards, Harry hit a particularly sensitive spot inside Tonks, causing her hips to buck and her walls to flutter around his fingers as she let out a sharp gasp. Smirking, he rubbed her g-spot furiously, his hand jerking back and forth in short, sharp movements.

“Harry!” Tonks screamed.

Tonks came violently, splattering his hand and arm in her arousal as she jerked on the bed. Her mouth was opened in a silent scream with her head thrown back while her hair cycled through every color of the rainbow. As her eyes rolled into the back of her head, she tried to push Harry away, but he mercilessly held her in place and continued fingering her.

Tonks had barely recovered from her first climax before she curled in on herself and wailed as she reached a second, thunderous peak. Harry’s face and arm were a dripping mess by the time he let go of her. Tonks immediately crawled away from him with a trembling moan while covering her mound with her hand. Hermione laughed and stroked the side of her face tenderly as her hair continued to cycle through the rainbow.

“You don’t know whether to love him or hate him when he does that, do you?” Hermione asked with a knowing smile.

Tonks groaned and shook her head as she panted. Harry sat up and chuckled.

“Your husband’s looking a bit too smug,” Bella said with a smile as she looked at him.

“I think you’re right,” Hermione said. “What do you think, Tonks? Time for a little payback?”

Tonks opened her eyes, and the three girls shared a meaningful look before they all turned to him with identical smirks. Harry swallowed thickly; a bit worried about what they had planned. After a quick, whispered conversation, they all crawled over to him on their hands and knees, their asses swaying behind them. Harry suddenly had a very good idea of how a mouse felt when cornered by a cat.

Tonks reached him first, her fingers wrapping around his rigid length. Without any hesitation, she took him into her mouth and started bobbing her head rapidly. Looking up at him, she held Harry’s head between her lips and suckled on it, drawing a groan from his lips before suddenly swallowing his entire length with ease. Harry gasped and bucked his hips as her tight, spasming throat encased his cock.

“Tonks!” Hermione gasped laughingly.

“How the hell do you do that?” Bella asked.

Slowly, Tonks dragged her lips all the way back up his shaft until her lips came off of his head with a pop.

“I can get rid of my gag reflex,” she said with a shrug.

“You cheating slut,” Bella said teasingly.

“Wait until you see what else I can do,” said Tonks, sticking out her tongue and elongating it until it was several inches long.

Bella’s mouth fell open and she stared at the appendage lustfully as Tonks flicked the tip back and forth. Winking at the Italian witch, Tonks turned back to Harry and wrapped her inhumanly long tongue around his cock. He groaned when she somehow managed to ungulate her tongue along his shaft while bobbing her head up and down. It was such an incredibly unique and pleasurable feeling; he couldn’t help but buck his hips as his cock throbbed against her tongue.

“Fuck,” Harry gasped, running his fingers through her short, lime green hair. “If this is a punishment I need to misbehave more often.”

In hindsight, he wished he’d kept his mouth shut when Tonks snorted and pulled off of him as she laughed. It wasn’t all bad though, as Bella nudged her over and took his cock in her mouth. She may not have had the advantages that Tonks did, but she more than made up for it with passion. Bella bobbed her head on the top half of his length while her hand stroked the rest of him. Her dazzling hazel eyes gazed up at him intently as she sucked hard and swirled her tongue around his shaft.

Bending down, Tonks pushed her hand out of the way and started kissing and licking the part of his shaft Bella couldn’t reach. On the other side, Hermione flicked her long, bushy hair over her shoulder and attached her lips to the other side of his shaft. It felt like she and Tonks were trying to snog with his cock in the way. Seeing their lips and tongues brush together around his shaft had him throbbing excitedly inside Bella hot, sucking mouth.

“I’m close,” Harry panted.

Hermione pulled her lips off of him to whisper in Bella’s ear for a moment. She nodded with his cock still in her mouth and sucked him vigorously while Hermione went back to his shaft. Harry panted as he neared his peak, his cock swelling and hardening to the point of bursting. Just as he was about to cum, all three women pulled off of his cock and pressed their faces together as Bella stroked him furiously.

With a groan, a massive jet of cum shot out of his swollen, shining head and splattered on Bella’s cheek. Laughing, she continued jerking him and aimed him at Tonks, and then Hermione as he came over and over. By the time his climax had waned, all three of them had long, pearly white streaks painting their faces. As the last of his cum dribbled out onto Bella’s hand, the girls came together in a three-way kiss.

Despite his recent orgasm, Harry still throbbed excitedly in Bella’s hand at the sight. The girls laughed when Tonks grabbed Hermione’s face and lick a long line of cum off cheek. His wife returned the favor by licking up the other woman’s chin, where a streak of cum threatened to fall, and then pushed it into her mouth for a tongue filled kiss. When the two separated, they turned to Bella and took turns cleaning her face.

Harry laid back and watched with a smile, wondering how he’d gotten so lucky. The girls continued to kiss and play with each other for several more minutes before they pulled Harry off the bed and into the shower. While there was plenty of groping and caressing, the tight space kept things from getting out of hand.

For the rest of the day, and for the first time since arriving in France, they spent time exploring the Enclave. While it felt like he was on a date with all three of them, nothing felt awkward or out of place as he showed the other two women the same kind of affection he showed his wife. Perhaps even more surprisingly, the girls were just as affectionate with each other as they were with him.

All in all, it was a great afternoon. It was while they were having dinner with Apolline at the manor, however, that the search warrant arrived and reminded them of their task. There was an immediate change in the atmosphere. Everyone was excited and anxious to get to work, but they were more aware of the dangers they faced this time around. Unanimously, they decided to wait until night had properly fallen to sneak in and look around.

They spent the next few hours perfecting their plan of entry and coming up with contingencies in case things went wrong. While Harry went to go gather a few potions in case of injuries, Tonks decided to ask Hermione about a couple of things that she was curious about.

“Hey, Hermione,” she called out. “Not that I'm complaining, but what made you decide to share Harry today? No offense, but you’ve always seemed kind of...”

“Prudish?” Hermione finished with a smile. “I was, for a while. It took me some time to feel comfortable expressing that part of myself. By the time I was ready to really start exploring different things with Harry, I was already pregnant. Between taking care of the kids and working, we barely had time for each other.”

Tonks nodded in understanding, while Bella rubbed her arm. Hermione smiled at them and continued.

“Honestly, I’ve been attracted to women since I was at Hogwarts, I was just too scared to admit it. But now that the kids are all at school, and we’ve got time to do what we want without having to worry about one of them barging in...” Hermione trailed off with a shrug. “Harry and I can finally try some of the things we’ve always wanted to.”

“So, you were kind of testing things out today to see how you felt?” Bella asked to which Hermione nodded. “That makes sense. Did it bother you at all, seeing us with Harry?”

“No,” said Hermione, shaking her head. “Actually, I liked it more than I thought I would.”

“Does that mean I can fuck Harry?” Tonks asked bluntly, causing Hermione to laugh incredulously. “Hey, I haven’t been with anyone since Remus. I'm desperate here.”

“Really?” Hermione asked in surprise.

“I wasn’t in a good place after the war,” Tonks admitted with a sigh. “You know Remus tried to leave a few times, but it really hurt when he did it while I was pregnant with Teddy. Then I watch him run after Greyback and die. I never told anyone, but I think that’s what he wanted. That really messed me up, that he would rather die than stay with me and Teddy. I felt like no one wanted me for a long time, but Harry really helped with that. Thank you for letting him spend so much time with us back then. It meant a lot to have him around, especially for Teddy.”

“You don’t need to thank me. You’ve always been family,” Hermione said, reaching out to take her hand. “What about you, Bella? I mean, you’re beautiful, you must have guys lining up for a chance with you.”

“Not any good ones,” Bella said with a shake of her head. “All of the men I’ve dated tend to be intimidated when they find out I can out duel them.”

“I hate that,” Tonks said. “It’s so childish. As soon as they find out you’re an Auror, they suddenly need to prove how powerful they are.”

“Exactly,” Bella agreed with a smile. “I had one boyfriend that tried to arrest one of Italy’s most wanted criminals, just to try and impress me. He ended up starting a duel with some random lookalike in the middle of the street and got his ass kicked. I was so embarrassed when he brought up our relationship in court.”

“That’s horrible,” said Hermione.

“Thank Merlin Harry was never like that,” Tonks said. “As soon as he found out I was an Auror he asked me to teach him. Of course, he was still in school at the time, but he never took it personally when I beat him. Not that it really matters now, though. Harry could probably beat all three of us at once.”

“Really?” Bella asked. “I’ve heard stories, but I've never seen him duel.”

“Most of the stories you hear about him are bullshit, but he’s insanely skilled,” Tonks told her. “When we raided houses after the war looking for Death Eaters, we used Harry instead of Curse Breakers to tear down the wards. And not weak ones, either. Wards that would take hours or days to dismantle, he took out with a single spell, and then he would still duel some of the most dangerous Death Eaters, right after that.”

“Wow,” Bella said, impressed.

“Yeah, Hermione really hit the jackpot with Harry. Lucky bitch,” Tonks said playfully, causing the other two to laugh.

“Actually, I think I’m the lucky one,” Harry announced, leaning against the doorway with a crooked smile.

Walking up to his wife, he bent down and gave her a quick kiss.

“Ready to go?” he asked, turning serious.

Nodding, the girls stood and gathered their cloaks. Harry doled out some basic healing potions to each of them before handing his invisibility cloak to Hermione. She and Bella would stay under that, while Harry and Tonks would go under Disillusionment Charms. They still didn’t know who had tried to kill him, or how much they knew about why he was in France, which led Harry to decide he didn’t want to give them any information he didn’t have to. Bella and Hermione would be less likely to be spotted under the cloak, Tonks could disguise herself easily, and, of course, they already knew about Harry.

Apolline, although she didn’t know the details, was smart enough to know something was happening. She wished them luck and hugged each of them before they left the manor and walked to the edge of the ward line.

“Communications check,” Harry said.

The girls all responded that their Communication Earrings were working. Harry applied the Disillusionment Charms while Hermione and Bella hid under the cloak. Just before Disapparating, each of them gave him a hug and a kiss. Holding hands, they vanished as one.

A moment later, they popped into existence in a cramped, dirty alley in Calais. The temperature was a few degrees cooler than the Enclave, and the smell of smog and grime filled the air. With a quick Silencing Charm, they quieted their feet and walked the half a block to the warehouse.

Stopping just outside the chain link fence surrounding the long, rectangular building, Harry checked for wards. Finding none, he vanished a section of the fence and walked quickly to the building. This time, he found some rather basic wards protecting and monitoring the door. He could have easily dismantled them, but the simplicity behind them was a concern.

If there really were Veela being hidden here, he would have expected much better wards. Even something entirely legal should have been better protected. Thanks to Bill, though, Harry knew that sometimes more advanced wards could be placed along with the simpler ones that made them almost impossible to find. It was a trick used to lure the less experienced or impatient into making a mistake.

Rather than chance going through the door at all, Harry moved a few feet over to a section of metal wall. Drawing a rectangle the size of a door with the tip of his wand, he used a complicated charm to turn the wall into a gateway like Platform nine and three quarters. Even if someone passed by while they were inside, Magical or Muggle, they would see nothing out of place.

“Wait here,” Harry whispered.

He heard three annoyed huffs, but no one argued with him. Stepping inside, Harry found the place full of crates, cages, and boxes.

Homenum Revelio

There were no humans inside the building, but he could hear plenty of movement around him. Lighting his wand, he found himself staring at enough Magical Creatures to fill a zoo. With just a quick glance he saw everything from Crups, Kneazles, Nifflers, and Pixies, to much more dangerous creatures like a Thunderbird, an Erumpent, thankfully without its horn, and an Occamy.

“Harry?” Hermione called to him quietly.

“Come in, but be very quiet,” he told her.

He heard the girls gasp behind him as they stepped inside.

“We need to look around but be careful. We don't want to rile anything up,” Harry said. “Hermione, you stick with Bella under the cloak. Tonks, you’re with me.”

They spent over an hour looking through the warehouse, but found no evidence that there were any Veela to be found. Hermione was furious at the treatment of the animals, and became almost apoplectic with rage when she found a cage full of House Elves.

“Harry, we’ve got to do something!” she hissed when they met back up.

Bella rubbed her back soothingly, but it did nothing to calm his wife’s anger.

“We can bring it up with Markus, but I don’t see anything illegal here,” Harry was forced to admit.

“We can’t just leave them like this!” Hermione growled.

Harry sighed. He agreed with her, but unfortunately, they didn’t have anything to arrest Lazare Malfoy on. While what he was doing was distasteful, it wasn’t illegal.

“Harry,” Tonks said, breaking him out of his thoughts, “this still doesn’t make sense. Nothing here would eat that human food they were having delivered and that club owner didn’t seem like the kind of guy interested in animals.”

“You think we’re missing something?” he asked.

“Yeah,” she replied.

“We don’t know where to look, though,” Bella pointed out. “We could be here all night and not find anything. This place is huge.”

Sighing again, Harry stared at nothing as he thought.

“I have an idea,” he said. “Get back under the cloak.”

Hermione looked at him curiously and tilted her head.

“Trust me, love,” Harry said. “Just stay hidden in case I need you.”

Biting her lip, Hermione nodded and tossed the cloak back over herself and Bella. Tonks rolled her eyes at him when he tapped her on the head with his wand, placing her back under the Invisibility Charm.

With the girls hidden, he aimed his wand at the door to the warehouse and ripped it open, triggering the wards.

“Harry!?” Hermione gasped.

“Trust me,” he said urgently.

“Fine,” she huffed, clearly not happy, “but we’re talking about this later.”

She fell quiet just a moment before Lazare Malfoy Apparated just outside the warehouse and marched in. Tall and thin, he had the characteristic Malfoy blonde hair tied in a long ponytail. Even just walking, the man seemed to radiate arrogance as he swung his cane, the metal tip clicking on the concrete floor.

Click. Clack. Click.

What was it with Malfoys and canes, Harry wondered.

“What are you doing here?” Malfoy demanded.

“Aurors, search warrant,” Harry said, holding up the parchment. “Quite the collection you have here.”

“And completely legal,” the man sneered.

“I’m sure it is,” Harry said with a careless shrug. “I’m more interested in why you thought it would be a good idea to try and kill me.”

“I did no such thing,” Malfoy said. “What reason would I have to try and kill an Auror?”

Despite his words, like his British relatives, he couldn’t hide the satisfied smirk that crossed his face. For Harry, that was as good as a confession.

“Let’s cut the bullshit,” Harry said, his face dropping into an unfriendly glare. “I know you’ve been kidnapping Veela and I will find them. If you think your pathetic little attempt on my life is going to do anything other than piss me off, then you’re dead wrong.”

Harry paused and let some of his magic loose, creating an uncomfortable, tingling pressure around Malfoy. While the man was a good three inches taller than him, the the force of Harry’s magic made it seem like he towered over the blonde as the man hunched in on himself on instinct.

“I’m going to give you one chance,” Harry told him. “You give me back the Veela and tell me everything you know, and I'll make sure you get a good deal with the Minister. If you refuse, I will do everything I can to put you in the deepest, darkest hole I can find.”

Malfoy swallowed hard, a drop of sweat running down his temple as he actually seemed to be considering the deal. Harry hated this part of the job, offering to protect monsters like this. But if it helped him get those women back to their families sooner, then he could deal with it. Just as soon as he’d thought it, Malfoy gathered himself and glared at him.

“You have nothing,” he growled, then smirked. “And you never will.”

Harry fought the urge to curse the smug look off of Malfoy’s face as he turned and stalked away, his cane clicking on the floor.

Click. Click. Click. Clack.

Harry’s eyes widened, a binding spell leaping from his wand and tying Malfoy up from shoulder to ankle in thick rope. He swayed briefly before toppling over to the ground, hard, his cane clattering to the floor beside him.

“What are you doing!?” Malfoy snarled. “Do you have any idea who I am! I’ll have your job for this! I-”

Harry silenced him with a flick of his wand and walked over to pick up the cane which, like Lucius, held Lazare’s wand in the handle.

“Girls, come help me,” Harry called out.

“Harry?” Tonks asked.

“What did you find?” Hermione questioned anxiously.

Taking the cane, Harry started tapping the end on the floor.

Click. Click. Clack.

In a small area of the floor, the high-pitched click of metal on concrete turned into a dull clack, as if the floor there wasn’t solid. Handing the cane to Tonks, Harry carefully examined the floor and found it to be heavily charmed. Dropping down to his hands and knees, he ran his hand over the floor, feeling the magic. It was a hidden door that required a password.

Malfoy would fight hard to keep him from finding out that password, and it would take too long to get permission for Veritaserum, if they could get it at all. Instead, Harry decided to go through it. Pressing the tip of the Elder Wand to the floor, he pushed a tremendous amount of magic into the floor. With a loud snap, he forcefully activated the charms, completely bypassing the password. A crease appeared in a square outline on the floor, followed by a metal ring as the floor turned into wood within the outline, forming a trap door.

Pulling the door open, Harry walked down the steps and into a dimly lit room. Long and narrow with a low ceiling, around twenty naked Veela stared at him, some fearfully, some in confusion.

“Oh my god,” Harry heard Hermione gasp behind him.

“Try and keep them calm while I send a Patronus to Markus,” Harry said.

Hermione nodded absently as Harry walked back up the stairs. A flick of his wand sent out a Patronus while Tonks and Bella looked at him curiously, their wands still trained on Malfoy.

“I’ll watch him, go help Hermione,” he told them. “Looks like we found the missing Veela. Or at least most of them.”

Nodding, Tonks and Bella went down the trap door while Harry smirked at the pale, fear filled face of Lazare Malfoy.

“You really should have taken that deal when you had the chance,” Harry told him smugly.



Hell yes! Love this story.


Damn, they keep thinking they can outsmart or out-power him and it just doesn't work. I wonder when they'll learn to just leave well enough alone.


I find I am quite enjoying this story and looking forward to where it goes next. 'Twill be interesting to see what happens when the bad guys attempt to break through the ward Harry erected.