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Patron Idea Poll

  • A 129
  • Captain Hair 50
  • Season 70
  • King hand axe 130
  • AndrewJTalon 179
  • 2024-07-11
  • —2024-07-18
  • 558 votes
{'title': 'Patron Idea Poll', 'choices': [{'text': 'A', 'votes': 129}, {'text': 'Captain Hair', 'votes': 50}, {'text': 'Season', 'votes': 70}, {'text': 'King hand axe', 'votes': 130}, {'text': 'AndrewJTalon', 'votes': 179}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 7, 18, 3, 59, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 7, 11, 2, 23, 33, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 558}




Harry/Ginny and either Hermione or Fleur (or both)

Hermione/Fleur gets tired of Ron/Bill and ask to stay with Harry and Ginny. The only problem is that Harry and Ginny constantly forget to silence their room at night leaving them with no doubt what is happening behind that door. They try to resist listening but Ginny is a very loud (and well pleasured) woman. Eventually, they get caught by Harry listening outside the door and are invited to join.


Captain Hair

 Thrown Back Omake #2: Luna!

"I'll take care of it," Dorea said.

Before Harry and Charlus could react, a sudden burst of purple flames appears, and out walks a figure.

"Hello, Harry Potter. Ace reporter Luna Lovegood reporting for duty!"

"Luna?" Harry says incredulously, before looking at Dorea in confusion.

"Wasn't me," she replies, equally confused.

"A Blibbering Humdinger said you were in the middle of another adventure and needed a reporter if I was interested. I agreed," Luna said placidly.


(If I do this, Hermione may or may not make a brief return, but probably not for a sex scene.)




Suzette Returns


4th year retelling, Hermione met her in her visits to France the last few summers. Maybe a long separated cousin side of the family, or Grandmothers sisters side of the family or something. Hermione and Suzette trap the goblet so instead of Harry's name coming out Malfoy or Ron's name comes out instead as the 4th.


Harry discovers his family history and wealth and Sirius drops the Black family on him as well, and Witness protections/ fakes himself into a new life and name with a new face and such, keeping enough to live quite well, and maybe start a car and bike shop.



King hand axe

A Vampires Desire


Harry and Fleur have become friends during the Tri wizard tournament, and although the attraction is there for them both, it hasn't moved into them actually dating, just being very close friends.


In this world of HP, Veela and Vampires don't get along, Vampires are fast and strong, but with weaker magic, Veela are the opposite, strong magic but delicate (bird like bones).


Harry and Fleur end up in the graveyard this time but quick thinking covers Fleur in his invisibility cloak, standard scene till the end escape where one of the called death eaters is a vampire who sniffs out Fleur, Harry takes the bite to the throat in Fleurs place before being brought back to Hogwarts.


In number 12, a turned Harry struggles not only with new senses, but raging hormones dialed to 11, just about the wrong time for Fleur to show up, looking good enough to eat...

Harry and Fleur navigate a very passionate relationship where Harry likes to hunt and dominate a very willing Fleur




Summer Romance: Narcissa disguises herself as a teenager for the summer to get away from the Malfoy Manor and Voldemort during Year 5. She meets up with Harry and they actually hit it off. But is this just an affair or something more?


Simon Peter

Hope Narcissa wins this time


I keep hoping you will make a sequel to Forever in a Day with alternate timeline of Harry with all the magic he practiced and all the knowledge of moody and such.

Jeromey Johnson

Suzette, needs to make a come back in a long story again. She was great. Wouldn’t want it to be a one shot/short story


I would love to see more Suzette in a future story. But teenaged Narcissa is my pick.